

This addon provides a small window in the bottom Left that gives your present heading, position, as well and the heading to make to get to where the mouse is on the big map if it is open, and the position of the mouse on the big map when open.  The player position is on the left and the mouse position is on the right.

Heading is in 360 degrees with north = 0, east = 90, south = 180, and west = 270

Position is given to one decimal point accuracy

If your mouse is on the map then the position on the lefty is the position of the mouse on the map.

If both you and your mouse are on the map then the heading is the heading you should make if you want to go to where your mouse is on the map. This works on both local and continent maps.

When using this addon; if I want to go to a specific place far away, I open the map that shows me and the place I want to go. I hold my mouse over the place I want to go and see what the heading says. I then close the map turn my character to that same heading. Get on my flyer, hit autorun and sit back and wait until I am there.