


[bug?] /way no longer working like it used to.

JourneyOver opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Pretty much title. I used to be able to do for example /way XCords YCords or /way XCords, YCords and it would put up a pin at that waypoint location automatically but for some reason now doing either just prints it out in chat and then I have to click the link thing it creates to actually get it to create the pin.

I have determined it is NDui that is causing this issue, as disabling NDui it reverts back to the old method of automatically creating the pin.


Print and pin is the 'solution' in ndui. You can track multi locations in the same time by clicking different links.


Print and pin is the 'solution' in ndui. You can track multi locations in the same time by clicking different links.

it used to be different though in that it automatically created the pin as I used to not have any other addon that messed with /way until recent and it would always automtically create the pin after I put in /way xcord ycord without me having to click links.. but whatever, guess best solution would be to just to do a check for https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/unlimited-map-pin-distance as well like tomtom.


Are there any addons provide /way commands other than Tomtom?
No addon = no /way
Has tomtom = has /way
No tomtom, but has NDui = has /way

NDui just provides a solution for ppl without addon Tomtom.


You are correct about the no addon it removes the /way command, The only other addon I have that does /way is https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/unlimited-map-pin-distance but even with it disabled NDui's /way is not working as intended..

I don't think you fully understood what I meant either..

Example: Before with just NDui I could put /way 10, 10 and it would automatically place the pin at waypoint 10, 10 without me having to do anything extra, but now if I put /way 10, 10 all it does it output a chat hyperlink
like so which then I have to click to get the pin to be placed. It does it regardless of what waypoints I put in I just used 10, 10 as an example.


It only means there are more addons 'steal' that cmd from tomtom.


@siweia Tested out the fix you put into place and it is not working, NDui is still overridding /way making it just put the coords link into chat instead of making an actual pin. Only reliable fix that I have actually found was just going back to the old method and adding or IsAddOnLoaded("UnlimitedMapPinDistance") to the line.


But working on mine.


But working on mine.

I tested it with only NDui and UnlimitedMapPinDistance to make sure that there was no other addon making a conflict and it was still only printing it to chat so not sure how it is only "working" on your end.

I do see that you made another commit to auto track map pin while still printing to chat, tested it and it's at least working so I guess that's at least a solution to this problem.


Not sure. I did the same with ndui and UMPD enabled only.