


[Bug -- Retail] Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: ReputationDetailFrame:SetPoint.

JourneyOver opened this issue ยท 5 comments


For the past day or two, I've been experiencing an issue where, upon logging into any character, the info bars in the top left and bottom right completely disappear, and the minimap reverts to the default Blizzard minimap. This problem persists until I do a /reload. Additionally, if I log out of the character and then back in, either to the same character or a different one, the UI is once again broken until I /reload.

Today, I finally had some time to sit down and test to see if it was an addon conflict or a bug with NDui. I ended up narrowing it down to the Reskin Blizzard UI option being enabled as what seems to be the cause of the issue.

Disabling the option resolves the issue, and everything works as expected upon logging in or switching characters. I have tried downgrading NDui to older versions to see if an unexpected addition might have caused the issue, but every version I've tried produces the same result and the same error message so I'm thinking that blizzard might of updated an api call or something as of very recent that could be causing this issue.

Full error message:

Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: ReputationDetailFrame:SetPoint.
Count: 1

Call Stack:
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetPoint'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/NDui/Modules/Skins/Blizzard/FrameXML/CharacterFrame.lua"]:259: in function `func'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/NDui/Modules/Skins/Skins.lua"]:33: in function `LoadAddOnSkins'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/NDui/Modules/Skins/Skins.lua"]:60: in function `OnLogin'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/NDui/Init.lua"]:136: in function `func'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/NDui/Init.lua"]:23: in function <Interface/AddOns/NDui/Init.lua:18>

Looks like a temporary fix is just to go into NDui/Modules/Skins/Blizzard/FrameXML/CharacterFrame.lua and just comment out or remove line 259 (I can't tell if doing so breaks anything or not but from my testing at least it doesn't seem to).

I did try the whole method of going and deleting the layout-local.txt for all my characters, and while it worked for the very first login of any characters after the deletion of the file, if I logged out and back in again on any of those toons it would start throwing the issue again. So guess for now I'm just going to do my temp fix until this is resolved.


Does it occur with ndui enable only? The only posibility I can tell is, one of your addon modify the button anchors, which cause the conflicts.


Does it occur with ndui enable only? The only posibility I can tell is, one of your addon modify the button anchors, which cause the conflicts.

I can't remember if I tested with NDui only enabled or not (I think I did and that it was doing the same thing but honestly been a long couple days), so I'll test again whenever the servers come back up.


@siweia I'm not sure if it's just a coincidence or not, but it looks like this issue has been fixed in the
10.2.7 patch. At least, that's what I can tell, as it's not happening right now. I'm going to keep this open for now, though, and close it in a few days if this issue is truly resolved after a bunch of other addons are updated and such.

Edit: So I spoke a little too soon, and it started happening on one of my characters, but not the others. After trying to debug it again for a bit to see if I could figure things out more, it just started working again randomly. So I don't even know what to think right now.

Edit 2: Couple hours later and the error/issue seem to be completely gone again, going to leave this open for another day or two as a measure just incase it pops up again and I can actually debug things without it magically fixing itself some how xD


Well so far this issue hasn't come up again the past couple days now, so I'm going to go ahead and close this. If it comes up again in the future I'll re-open this ticket.