Request: Can you add bar to select the nameplate top inset for insideview
Varthx opened this issue ยท 1 comments
function UF:UpdatePlateCVars()
if C.db["Nameplate"]["InsideView"] then
SetCVar("nameplateOtherTopInset", .05) <-- I would personally like to set this value, just for refernece I like mine at .2 so maybe a slider between 0-1.
SetCVar("nameplateOtherBottomInset", .08)
elseif GetCVar("nameplateOtherTopInset") == "0.05" and GetCVar("nameplateOtherBottomInset") == "0.08" then
SetCVar("nameplateOtherTopInset", -1)
SetCVar("nameplateOtherBottomInset", -1)