


Switching between toons causes error and info bars to disappear

JourneyOver opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Seems that with the latest release, when switching between toons upon loading into another toon it causes an error to happen and the info bars to completely disappear.

Error below:

AddOns\NDui\Modules\Misc\Misc.lua:396: bad argument #1 to 'strmatch' (string expected, got nil)
Count: 1

Call Stack:
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@AddOns\NDui\Modules\Misc\Misc.lua"]:396: in function `ReplaceContaminantName'
[string "@AddOns\NDui\Modules\Misc\Misc.lua"]:64: in function `OnLogin'
[string "@AddOns\NDui\Init.lua"]:111: in function `func'
[string "@AddOns\NDui\Init.lua"]:23: in function <AddOns\NDui\Init.lua:18>

The only way that seems to fix it temporarily is to completely exit world of warcraft, and then open it back up and log into said toon again, but if you switch to a different toon the error produces and the info bars completely disappear again until you repeat the process.


/RL would do.
Contaminant item info may be nil from server on the first time in game.


I tried doing a /RL and all that, it didn't do anything other than continue to produce the error and have the info bars continue to be gone.

The only way for me to fix it was to exit the game completely and then open it back up and log in and not switch to another toon, or downgrade to an earlier version of NDui but I do see you made a new commit about it so I am going to test and see if what you have done fixes the issue.


Issue seems to have been fixed with your latest commit. Closing this as it's no longer an issue.