


[Issue[ New issue with patch 11.0.2

AngelosNaoumis opened this issue · 3 comments


Getting below error.

1x NDui_Plus: ...aceNDui_Plus/Modules/Skins/MountsJournal.lua:198: attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value)
[string "@NDui_Plus/Modules/Skins/MountsJournal.lua"]:198: in function <...aceNDui_Plus/Modules/Skins/MountsJournal.lua:184>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@NDui_Plus/Core/Core.lua"]:255: in function CallLoadedAddon' [string "@NDui_Plus/Core/Core.lua"]:325: in function Initialize'
[string "@NDui_Plus/Core/Core.lua"]:340: in function InitCallback' [string "@NDui/Init.lua"]:144: in function func'
[string "@NDui/Init.lua"]:23: in function <NDui/Init.lua:18>

self = nil
MountsJournal = MountsJournal {
swimmingVashjir =

herbMount = false
magicBrooms =
cameraConfig =
filters =
charDB =
mapVashjir =
defMountsListID = 946
empty =
list =
priorityProfiles =
sFlags =
defProfile =
herbalismMounts =
additionalFavorites =
usableRepairMounts =
globalDB =
config =
help =
lowLevel =
defFilters =
summonPanel = Frame {
usableIDs =
profiles =
MountsJournalFrame = MountsJournalFrame {
MountJournal = MountJournal {
tags =
indexByMountID =
mountTypes =
CollectionsJournal = CollectionsJournal {
filters =
useMountsJournalButton = CheckButton {
frameState =
mjFiltersBackup =
colors =
(*temporary) =
aceContainers =
db =
EarlyAceTooltips =
ToggleFrames =
EarlyAceWidgets =
name = "Skins"
aceWidgets =
nonAddonsToLoad =
(*temporary) = "ReskinCheck"
(*temporary) = MJTooltipModel {
NineSlice = Frame {
layoutType = "TooltipDefaultLayout"
model = PlayerModel {
tipStyled = true
bg = Frame {
(*temporary) = 1.001565
(*temporary) = 1.001565
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = Frame {
__bgTex = Texture {
PixelSnapDisabled = true
__shadow = Frame {
Center = Texture {
RightEdge = Texture {
backdropInfo =
BottomEdge = Texture {
BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
BottomRightCorner = Texture {
TopEdge = Texture {
TopRightCorner = Texture {
TopLeftCorner = Texture {
LeftEdge = Texture {
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value)"
C =
ClickCastList =
CustomUnits =
BadBoys =
Minimap =
DeprecatedAuras =
Skins =
TrashUnits =
UFs =
CornerBuffs =
TalentCDFix =
Infobar =
PartySpells =
RaidBuffsWhite =
frames =
Auras =
BlackList =
mult = 1.001565
db =
margin = 3
IgnoreQuestNPC =
MajorSpells =
AuraWatchList =
otherSkins =
Tooltips =
PartySpellsDB =
RaidDebuffs =
themes =
RaidDebuffsBlack =
defaultThemes =
ShowTargetNPCs =
WhiteList =
PowerUnits =
Bars =
P =
CharacterSettings =
InfoColors =
TextureTable =
RotationRightTex = "Interface\Addons\NDui_Plus\Media\Texture\UI-RotationRight-Big-Up"
Blank = "Interface\Addons\NDui_Plus\Media\Texture\Blank"
RoleList =
ArrowDown = "Interface\Addons\NDui_Plus\Media\Texture\arrow-down"
ArrowUp = "Interface\Addons\NDui_Plus\Media\Texture\arrow-up"
WaitFrame = NDuiPlus_WaitFrame {
WaitTable =
Version = "@Project-Version@"
SupportVersion = "8.0.0"
isNewPatch = true
AnimShake =
EasyMenu = NDuiPlus_EasyMenu {
Changelog = "v11.0.2
[|cffFF1414主要|r] 需要NDui v8.0.0 以上版本
[美化] 更新 WeakAuras 美化提醒
[美化] 更新部分插件美化
[易用性] 修复巅峰声望奖励
[易用性] 修复随从报告面板标签

[主要] 适配11.0.2 API改动
[美化] 添加 WeakAuras 美化提醒
[美化] 添加 ShadowDancer 美化
[美化] 调整 Immersion 按钮美化
[鼠标提示] 修复PvE进度未正常对满级角色生效的问题
[单位框体] 更新 oUF_Fader

[主要] 更新版本号至11.0.0; 适配部分API改动
[易用性] 调整启用商人面板扩展时售卖垃圾按钮位置
[易用性] 移除兽栏面板扩


addon version ? I can't reproduce this error with NDui_Plus-11.0.3-alpha-3 + MountsJournal-v11.0.13


Last git versions always.
Issue is at line 198

Its mostly due to 11.0.2 changes i think


ok, should be fixed in 11.0.3-alpha-4