


4.6.2v and Lua Error. Wrath Classic

sth666 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Client Version : 3.4.1 Wrath Classic
Hello there,
Before Latest Update (4.6.2) everything works well, but when i updated to version 4.6.2, lua error start showing on BugSack after each login in game, i try already remove all folder NeedtoKnow from Addons , and reinstall , but still nothing, as well i tryed remove my NTK profile in game / make a copy, but lua error is still showing up.

2x NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:270: attempt to index field 'profiles' (a nil value)
[string "@NeedToKnow/Profile.lua"]:270: in function `UpdateActiveProfile'
[string "@NeedToKnow/ExecutiveFrame.lua"]:76: in function `f'
[string "@NeedToKnow/ExecutiveFrame.lua"]:24: in function <NeedToKnow/ExecutiveFrame.lua:21>

self = <table> {
 SetProfileToAccount = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:100
 GetBarGroup = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/BarGroup.lua:19
 UpdateActiveProfile = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:262
 DeepCopy = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Settings.lua:180
 FindAura = <table> {
 GetBarGroupSettings = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Settings.lua:44
 CopyProfile = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:72
 UpdateBarGroups = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/BarGroup.lua:28
 GetNewProfileName = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:48
 DeleteProfile = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:130
 ProfilePanel = InterfaceOptionsNeedToKnowProfilePanel {
 SetProfileToCharacter = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:107
 ToggleLockUnlock = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/NeedToKnow.lua:74
 RemoveDefaultSettings = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Settings.lua:108
 OptionSlider = <table> {
 IsProfileNameAvailable = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:59
 String = <table> {
 m_last_cast_head = <table> {
 SetProfileForSpec = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:222
 Update = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/NeedToKnow.lua:54
 GetActiveProfile = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:231
 m_last_cast = <table> {
 Lock = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/NeedToKnow.lua:59
 ResizeButton = <table> {
 ResetCharacterSettings = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Settings.lua:39
 GetProfileForSpec = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:226
 m_last_cast_tail = <table> {
 CompressProfileSettings = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Settings.lua:58
 BarMenu = <table> {
 UnregisterSpellcastSent = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/ExecutiveFrame.lua:107
 UpdateBarGroup = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/BarGroup.lua:34
 Bar = <table> {
 GetProfileByName = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:236
 RenameProfile = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:92
 barGroups = <table> {
 GetProfileCopyName = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:81
 accountSettings = <table> {
 ImportBarSettingsFromString = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/ImportExport.lua:259
 LoadSavedVariables = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Settings.lua:18
 ResetAccountSettings = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Settings.lua:34
 ExecutiveFrame = NeedToKnow_ExecutiveFrame {
 GetNewProfileKey = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:35
 UpdateGroup = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/BarGroup.lua:38
 BarGroup = <table> {
 GetBarSettings = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Settings.lua:53
 totem_drops = <table> {
 version = "4.6.2"
 Cooldown = <table> {
 LSM = <table> {
 CreateBlankProfile = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:20
 UncompressProfileSettings = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Settings.lua:74
 m_last_guid = <table> {
 SlashCommand = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/SlashCommand.lua:12
 Unlock = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/NeedToKnow.lua:67
 characterSettings = <table> {
 GetGroupSettings = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Settings.lua:48
 MakeBarGroups = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/BarGroup.lua:12
 LoadProfiles = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/Profile.lua:140
 AddSlashCommand = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/SlashCommand.lua:6
 AppearancePanel = InterfaceOptionsNeedToKnowAppearancePanel {
 RegisterSpellcastSent = <function> defined @NeedToKnow/ExecutiveFrame.lua:97

Lua Error for sure is ending at " OptionsPa " later nothing is there. but NeedtoKnow Addon its still works fine with this Lua Error.


Thanks for the report


Fixed in v4.6.3 I think. Let me know if it's not.