


More config options for button text overlays (cooldown/aura/etc)

brittyazel opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Per Curse request from Osoerk:

Hello, I have a request/suggestion : I would like to have more configuration options for cooldown/aura/count text, such as font/size/color/anchor point(in a button). Then I can completely replace my bartender4+adibuttonauras with this one. Thank you


To add to this, I'd also like an options. Right when dragging a spell to the bar you often have really long text, and text on every single button. Default on actionbar is that text is only shown for macros. So some ideas:

  1. No text when dragging a spell, just tooltip
  2. Less text or abbreviated text
  3. Only the first capital letters of a spell or item if too long