


Survival Hunter - Wildfire Infusion spell not auto-changing

Koskun opened this issue · 16 comments


On Survival Hunters with the talent Wildfire Infusion, the enhanced Wildfire Bomb becomes a new spell, and each time you use it it becomes a different spell.

So, with the talent selected Wildfire Bomb changes in the spellbook to Shrapnel Bomb. The first time you cast Shrapnel Bomb it changes to Pheromone Bomb. When you cast Pheromone Bomb it then becomes Volatile Bomb. Cast Volatile Bomb and it goes back to Shrapnel Bomb.

When I put Shrapnel Bomb on the bar, it doesn't swap to Pheromone, so the only way I was able to cast it is open the Spellbook, cast the next, then the next, then I can use the spell on the bar again.

I tried it on default bar, and it auto-changes to the next Bomb on use.


Is this still an issue? I'm at a point where I can look into these one-off ability bugs now


I've been swamped with work myself lately, but last I checked (about a month and a half ago), it was still an issue.


Just checked, and it isn't changing. For example, I have Shrapnel Bomb on my bar, I throw it, the Wildfire Infusion spell changes it to Pheromone Bomb, but the Shrapnel Bomb is still on my bar.


I can also confirm this issue. I may add another ticket for a survival hunter issue I noticed, but I want to check for an existing ticket first.


So this is a pretty complex spell, but one thing I've learned with spells like this is that only the base spell (the untalented version) will adapt to the talented changes. I.e. the macro should read "/cast Wildfire Bomb", and in theory that should adapt to the other talented varients. Can you guys try this for me?


Using /cast Wildfire Bomb in/as a macro does work. It will switch to the next bomb type that Wildfire Infusion changes it to. It also changes the icon to match the new bomb.


Awesome, I added some code in to make it so when you drag an ability to a bar it will always try to use the "base" spell for the macro if possible. Sorry it took so long to figure out


Not a problem at all. Very much appreciate ya figuring it out. Say, how did your thesis go?


I passed! Now I just have a clear shot to my dissertation :-) I've passed all the ways they can flunk me out


Fixed in 2122f64


@Esememon Erik can you take a look into this? This one is one of those weird new spells where it becomes a different spell dynamically based on the use, and I'm not sure what to do about it.
I think boomkins had a similar thing with their moon ability or whatever, and I remember it working there. Do you mind doing like 20 min of digging on this to see how macro's should work with these dynamic abilities?


So, New Moon -> Half Moon -> Full Moon still works fine. That spell is a cycle though, with only one possible outcome after each cast.

Wildfire Infusion, on the other hand, makes Wildfire Bomb take on one of three random properties every time it's used, and there are three different spell entries each for Shrapnel Bomb, Pheromone Bomb, and Volatile Bomb.

Both this and the moonkin spells are completely replaced in the spellbook when they're used, but I'm looking into it.

EDIT: Y'know what does work? Changing talents, dragging Wildfire Bomb onto the action bar, and then swapping to the Wildfire Infusion talent. Then it works fine. I'll see if that's an easy workaround.


Any progress on this? I'm sick of playing BM and Marks.


Not yet, I'm not in the state at my computer and was just defending my doctoral thesis. This is on my immediate to do list, but I can't give you an immediate eta. Life, in this instance, had to come before addons


Hawaii I gave ya a ribbing for. Defending your thesis? Yeahhh, not going to say a thing there. Take all the time you need. I have plenty of other toons I can run around on. Good luck.