


Extra action bar - Blizzard button still visible

SirLagardere opened this issue ยท 7 comments


The Blizzard extra action button is still present even when the Neuron's one is up.
(Barrel button on this picture)


It shouldn't be... Does this happen even through a /reload? If you just made the button it's possible that it takes a /reload before the blizzard disablement happens


I've delete and re-create this button, and yes I have tried a reload and a logout/login.
Same behaviour.
I haven't reset my profile yet, but I can try if you want.


Are other toons with different profiles also having this issue? Did it just start? Unless blizzard changed something on Tuesday, this shouldn't be happening


I must try with another toon, and it's not a new thing, I'm just lazy some times ^^.
Both zone button and extra button were in this state (neuron & Blizzard), then you fixe the zone button with the alpha trick (if I'm right) but the extra button stay in "double" mode.


Ok, since the game latest version and your latest version, the Blizzard Extra button is now hidden... Don't know exactly what has changed but I close the issue


Just a last comment. I finally found the culprit, it was MoveAnything (I must have touched the Blizz Extra Frame and now on it was always visible).
I noticed in the Neuron-extra that you didn't use "ExtraActionButton1:Hide()" but, If I follow, you move the Extra button away. Is that intended ? (I'm very curious I know ^^)


Yeah for some reason hiding it wasn't doing the job because it kept coming back each time a new extra button event would hapoen, so I took a hint from Bartender and moved it off the screen avoiding these issues lol