


Hex Variants Don't Apply Correctly to Action Bars

ymerejrm opened this issue ยท 0 comments


"Hex Variants," which allow you to change the appearance of the animal you change enemies into with the "Hex" ability, do not correctly translate to the action bars.

For example, if I use "Hex Variant" directly from the spellbook to Hex an enemy into a Compy, the spell will work correctly. However, if I try to drag the Compy icon (image 1) to the Action Bar, it will change the spell to the standard frog "Hex." I've also tried pulling the expandable "Hex Variants" spell from the spell book to see if I could access the correct spell that way, but it doesn't help. Once "Hex Variants" is placed on the Action Bar, it changes to the standard "Hex" spell, and while the button does still expand, the expanded spell is still the standard "Hex" spell (image 2).

hex vs hex variant

hex vs hex variant 2