


New Error Re: Macro Buttons (I Believe)

HolteUnderscore opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Have been getting the following a lot over the last few days on a couple of chars:

Message: C stack overflow
Time: Thu Sep 27 12:13:28 2018
Count: 5
Stack: C stack overflow
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?

Locals: (*temporary) = NeuronActionButton25 {
0 =
flyoutborder = NeuronActionButton25FlyoutBorder {
class = "bar"
flyoutright = NeuronActionButton25FlyoutRight {
shine12 = NeuronActionButton25Shine12 {
shine11 = NeuronActionButton25Shine11 {
iconframefiller = NeuronActionButton25IconFrameFiller {
iconframebackground = NeuronActionButton25IconFrameBackGround {
__MSQ_Shine = NeuronActionButton25Shine {
shine7 = NeuronActionButton25Shine7 {
hitbox = NeuronActionButton25HitBox {
multiSpec = true
skinned = true
__MSQ_NormalSkin =

flyoutbordershadow = NeuronActionButton25FlyoutBorderShadow {
auracolor1 =
macroColor = "1;1;1;1"
__MSQ_NormalHook = true
rangeInd = true
data =
unit = "player"
tooltipsCombat = false
bindText = true
__MSQ_NormalTexture = {
upClicks = true
shine3 = NeuronActionButton25Shine3 {
dragbutton = "LeftButton"
barLockCtrl = false
SetNormalTexture = defined =[C]:-1
shine15 = NeuronActionButton25Shine15 {
cdAlpha = 1
UnwrapScript = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:788
downClicks = false
barLockShift = true
highlighttexture = NeuronActionButton25HighlightTexture {
iconframecooldowntimer = NeuronActionButton25IconFrameCooldownTimer {
shine2 = NeuronActionButton25Shine2 {
cdcolor1 =
autocastable = NeuronActionButton25AutoCastable {
__MSQ_Shape = "Square"
shine4 = NeuronActionButton25Shine4 {
editmode = false
hasAction = "Interface\AddOns\Masque_ElvUIesque\Textures\Normal"
manacolor =
countColor = "1;1;1;1"
equipcolor =
iconframe = NeuronActionButton25IconFrame {
flyoutarrow = NeuronActionButton25FlyoutArrow {
FlyoutBorder = NeuronActionButton25FlyoutBorder {
SetFrameLevel = defined =[C]:-1
macroname = NeuronActionButton25MacroName {
shine5 = NeuronActionButton25Shine5 {
shine1 = NeuronActionButton25Shine1 {
elapsed = 0.18100000917912
iconframeicon = NeuronActionButton25IconFrameIcon {
tooltips = true
__MSQ_Background = false
shine16 = NeuronActionButton25Shine16 {
UberTooltips = true
__MSQ_BaseFrame = {
spellGlowDef = true
gloss = NeuronActionButton25Gloss {
macroText = false
shape = "square"
iconframeaurawatchtimer = NeuronActionButton25IconFrameAuraWatchTimer {
shine13 = NeuronActionButton25Shine13 {
barLock = true
cdcolor2 =
countText = true
__MSQ_NormalColor =
debuffcolor =
barLockAlt = false
__MSQ_FrameHook = true
macroshow = ""
macroparse = "
/cast [@mouseOver,exists][@target,exists][@player] Penance
noAction = false
config =
shine6 = NeuronActionButton25Shine6 {
showGrid = false
FlyoutArrow = NeuronActionButton25FlyoutArrow {
hotkey = NeuronActionButton25HotKey {
FlyoutBorderShadow = NeuronActionButton25FlyoutBorderShadow {
specdata =
flyoutleft = NeuronActionButton25FlyoutLeft {
shine9 = NeuronActionButton25Shine9 {
iconframeaurawatch = NeuronActionButton25IconFrameAuraWatch {
pushedtexture = NeuronActionButton25PushedTexture {
iconframeflash = NeuronActionButton25IconFrameFlash {
auraText = false
auraInd = false
shine = NeuronActionButton25Shine {
objTIndex = 25
bindColor = "1;1;1;1"
shine10 = NeuronActionButton25Shine10 {
count = NeuronActionButton25Count {
bar = NeuronActionBar1 {
normaltexture = NeuronActionButton25NormalTexture {
spellID = 47540
Execute = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:777
tooltipsEnhanced = true
border = Neuro


Is this still happening?


No, you can close this one.


Cool thanks for the update!


It's preceded by this:

Message: C stack overflow
Time: Thu Sep 27 12:08:27 2018
Count: 1
Stack: C stack overflow
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[C]: in function SetSpellByID' Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Neuron-Buttons.lua:2416: in function MACRO_SetSpellTooltip'
Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Neuron-Buttons.lua:2497: in function MACRO_SetTooltip' Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Neuron-Buttons.lua:2543: in function MACRO_OnEnter'
Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Neuron-Buttons.lua:3401: in function <Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Neuron-Buttons.lua:3401>
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?

Locals: (*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = defined =[C]:-1