


New b version: Keybind behaviour has changed negatively for me

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Things were working normally in the a version but in the most recent b version, keybinds on a dedicated vehicle bar I use are taking priority over my main action bar even when there aren't any buttons on the vehicle bar. So, when I push 1, it's a blank button on my vehicle bar that's activating, it's not falling back to my action bar.

The actual "priority" keybind setting doesn't appear to have any impact here, I do have that active on the vehicle bar (as I need to in order to ensure that those keybinds are what are used when the vehicle bar is active) but I tried without it with no change.

I've reverted back to the a version for now.


Ok I'll look into this. I have no idea what could have done that, as I only made a couple of totally unrelated changes. Thanks for the heads up


all my keybinds are gone, and keybinding doesn't work any more


Did you /reload before trying to keybind again?


@RaySmith, ok I figured out what the issue is. I changed from bars using show/hide for specific states to instead using SetAlpha. This was to avoid taint, but it appears to have issues elsewhere. I'll revert this


@raysmith59 Can you check the MASTER branch and tell me if you still have that issue? I reverted the changes above


Not that issue but only because a new one showed up, now the vehicle bar is "blank" (when I go into edit mode, the only buttons that show up are the ones that already have spells on them that aren't vehicle-specific). When I did a vehicle quest the buttons didn't show up, either.


@raysmith59 Ok can you try the latest version for me please?

Also, how are you keybinding two different buttons to the same key? Usually when you keybind a key that already has a keybind it removes it from the other key


Ok, I created a separate vehicle bar, bound the buttons to 1, 2, 3 etc, locked the keybinds and then gave them priority. I then unchecked the "No Vehicle" in the visibility options. Now it works how you describe it, when a vehicle bar comes, the bar is shown and those buttons get priority, and when you are off the vehicle it goes away and the priority goes back to the main action bar.

Is this how you were doing it? That's clever, I haven't seen anyone do that before. I always just make my main bar my vehicle bar


I'm closing this as I've verified this technique works well. Please report back though with your success


I set the action bars as usual (1-8, etc) and lock them. I then do the same for the vehicle bar, lock them, then set them as priority.

I don't uncheck "No Vehicle", though, not sure what that does. Basically my vehicle bar is 16 buttons, I bind the first 8 and they're what ends up getting used (never ran into a vehicle scenario that used more than 8 buttons) and I use some of the other buttons for things like professions, raid buffs, etc. It's a technique I tried setting up years ago and it just worked so I've used it ever since. I don't like my main action bar changing to a vehicle bar (something I've never liked in the stock UI) so I avoid it by doing this.


So far so good with the most recent release, thanks!