


8.1 errors

NuubEitrigg opened this issue · 2 comments


I rolled back to 0.9.37c and the issue is not present

2352x Neuron\Objects/BAR.lua:117: attempt to index global 'self' (a nil value)
Neuron\Objects/BAR.lua:117: in function controlOnUpdate' Neuron\Neuron-0.9.38.lua:659: in function ?'
...\ArkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceHook\AceHook-3.0-8.lua:90: in function <...\ArkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceHook\AceHook-3.0.lua:87>

elapsed = 0.017000
(for generator) = defined =[C]:-1
(for state) =

= NeuronBarHandler5 {
(for control) = NeuronActionBar5 {
0 =
index = 5
elapsed = 0
class = "bar"
UnwrapScript = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:788
dragged = false
createMsg = "1Action Button"
shift =
messagebg = NeuronActionBar5MessageBG {
objPrefix = "NeuronActionButton"
objMax = 250
text = NeuronActionBar5Text {
message = NeuronActionBar5Message {
driver = NeuronBarDriver5 {
barType = "ActionBar"
alt =
toggleframe = NeuronActionBar5 {
right = 345.000061
data =
handler = NeuronBarHandler5 {
objTable =
barDB =
microAdjust = false
alphaUp = "Off"
posSet = true
objTemplate =
left = 1.000020
WrapScript = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:782
bottom = 724.500000
objCount = 40
Execute = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:777
alpha = 1
objType = "Action Button"
top = 939.499939
barLabel = "Action Bar"
vis =
selected = false
SetFrameRef = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:793
keybind = NeuronActionBar5KeyBind {
k = NeuronActionBar5 {
0 =
index = 5
elapsed = 0
class = "bar"
UnwrapScript = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:788
dragged = false
createMsg = "1Action Button"
shift =
messagebg = NeuronActionBar5MessageBG {
objPrefix = "NeuronActionButton"
objMax = 250
text = NeuronActionBar5Text {
message = NeuronActionBar5Message {
driver = NeuronBarDriver5 {
barType = "ActionBar"
alt =
toggleframe = NeuronActionBar5 {
right = 345.000061
data =
handler = NeuronBarHandler5 {
objTable =
barDB =
microAdjust = false
alphaUp = "Off"
posSet = true
objTemplate =
left = 1.000020
WrapScript = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:782
bottom = 724.500000
objCount = 40
Execute = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:777
alpha = 1
objType = "Action Button"
top = 939.499939
barLabel = "Action Bar"
vis =
selected = false
SetFrameRef = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:793
keybind = NeuronActionBar5KeyBind {
v = NeuronBarHandler5 {
0 =
WrapScript = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:782
SetFrameRef = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:793
Execute = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:777
fadeSpeed = 0.250000
UnwrapScript = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:788
bar = NeuronActionBar5 {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = NeuronActionBar5 {
0 =
index = 5
elapsed = 0
class = "bar"
UnwrapScript = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:788
dragged = false
createMsg = "1Action Button"
shift =
messagebg = NeuronActionBar5MessageBG {
objPrefix = "NeuronActionButton"
objMax = 250
text = NeuronActionBar5Text {
message = NeuronActionBar5Message {
driver = NeuronBarDriver5 {
barType = "ActionBar"
alt =
toggleframe = NeuronActionBar5 {
right = 345.000061
data =
handler = NeuronBarHandler5 {
objTable =
barDB =
microAdjust = false
alphaUp = "Off"
posSet = true
objTemplate =
left = 1.000020
WrapScript = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:782
bottom = 724.500000
objCount = 40
Execute = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:777
alpha = 1
objType = "Action Button"
top = 939.499939
barLabel = "Action Bar"
vis =
selected = false
SetFrameRef = defined @FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:793
keybind = NeuronActionBar5KeyBind {
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'self' (a nil value)"


Sorry about that. This is now fixed, a new build is being spun up as I type this. Check for it in a few min
