


#showtooltips not displaying

wowregistering opened this issue ยท 5 comments


When attempting to put #showtooltip spellname on a button the icon does not change, these are buttons that were working before the most recent update.

An example would be this macro I use on my rogue

#showtooltip Symbols of Death
/cast Shuriken Storm

I use this so I can double or triple up on grouping of my cooldowns to make them easier to see at a quick glance, on top of that there is no reason to be able to see the actual icon for Shuriken Storm.

Using the above macro on Blizzard action bars still works as intended and displays the icon for Symbols of Death.

Edit to add more info:

When using an ability that triggers my global cooldown it does not display on the above macro despite still showing the icon for Shuriken Storm, an ability that is on the global.

When using Symbols of Death the macro will display the cooldown for Symbols of Death while still showing the Icon for Shuriken Storm

When mousing over the button that the macro is on it will display the tooltip for Symbols of Death but still shows the icon for Shuriken Storm

A short clip of the issue
The Left icon, bound to 'T', is the one using the macro I put earlier in this post and the Right icon, bound to 'Y', is just a normal Shuriken Storm button.


Message: ...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:919: attempt to index local 'bar' (a nil value)
Time: Wed Dec 12 22:08:35 2018
Count: 2
Stack: ...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:919: attempt to index local 'bar' (a nil value)
...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:919: in function Flyout_ReleaseBar' ...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:670: in function Flyout_RemoveBar'
...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:682: in function UpdateFlyout' Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:1428: in function ?'
Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:1543: in function `MACRO_OnEvent'
Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:462: in function <Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:462>

Locals: self = NeuronActionButton70 {
0 =
shine5 = NeuronActionButton70Shine5 {
shine1 = NeuronActionButton70Shine1 {
auraText = false
iconframeicon = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameIcon {
tooltips = true
shine12 = NeuronActionButton70Shine12 {
shine11 = NeuronActionButton70Shine11 {
shine16 = NeuronActionButton70Shine16 {
iconframefiller = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameFiller {
iconframebackground = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameBackGround {
bindColor = "1;1;1;1"
spellGlowDef = true
gloss = NeuronActionButton70Gloss {
shine7 = NeuronActionButton70Shine7 {
macroText = false
multiSpec = true
bar = NeuronActionBar2 {
flyoutbordershadow = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutBorderShadow {
auracolor1 =

macroColor = "1;1;1;1"
shine13 = NeuronActionButton70Shine13 {
rangeInd = true
barLock = false
unit = "target"
tooltipsCombat = false
countText = true
flyout =
debuffcolor =
keys =
upClicks = true
tooltipsEnhanced = true
macroshow = "Will of the Forsaken"
macroname = NeuronActionButton70MacroName {
flyoutborder = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutBorder {
macroparse = "
#showtooltip Will of the Forsaken
noAction = "Interface\Buttons\UI-Quickslot"
config =
elapsed = 0
shine6 = NeuronActionButton70Shine6 {
showGrid = true
barLockCtrl = false
hotkey = NeuronActionButton70HotKey {
class = "bar"
FlyoutBorderShadow = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutBorderShadow {
flyoutright = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutRight {
spellGlow = true
cdAlpha = 1
objTIndex = 70
count = NeuronActionButton70Count {
shine14 = NeuronActionButton70Shine14 {
hitbox = NeuronActionButton70HitBox {
UnwrapScript = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:788
updateGroup = 1
shine9 = NeuronActionButton70Shine9 {
downClicks = false
iconframeaurawatchtimer = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameAuraWatchTimer {
barLockShift = false
data =
cdcolor2 =
normaltexture = NeuronActionButton70NormalTexture {
mac_flash = false
shine3 = NeuronActionButton70Shine3 {
rangecolor =
shine8 = NeuronActionButton70Shine8 {
FlyoutArrow = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutArrow {
pushedtexture = NeuronActionButton70PushedTexture {
DB =
checkedtexture = NeuronActionButton70CheckedTexture {
shine15 = NeuronActionButton70Shine15 {
iconframecooldowntimer = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameCooldownTimer {
shine = NeuronActionButton70Shine {
shine2 = NeuronActionButton70Shine2 {
cdcolor1 =
binder = NeuronActionButton70BindFrame {
buffcolor =
flyoutleft = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutLeft {
shine10 = NeuronActionButton70Shine10 {
iconframeaurawatch = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameAuraWatch {
Execute = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:777
countColor = "1;1;1;1"
border = NeuronActionButton70Border {
cdText = false
auraInd = false
bindText = true
shine4 = NeuronActionButton70Shine4 {
spellGlowAlt = false
highlighttexture = NeuronActi


Below are some of the errors I was getting with only Neuron enabled.

Message: Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/BAR.lua:1035: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'padH' (a nil value)
Time: Wed Dec 12 22:08:19 2018
Count: 2
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/BAR.lua:1035: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'padH' (a nil value)
Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/BAR.lua:1035: in function SetObjectLoc' ...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:383: in function updateFlyoutBars'
...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:544: in function Flyout_UpdateButtons' ...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:702: in function UpdateFlyout'
Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:1428: in function ?' Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:1543: in function MACRO_OnEvent'
Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:462: in function <Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:462>

Locals: self = NeuronFlyoutBar2 {
0 =
WrapScript = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:782
index = 2
keybind = NeuronFlyoutBar2KeyBind {
Execute = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:777
text = NeuronFlyoutBar2Text {
data =

handler = NeuronFlyoutHandler2 {
UnwrapScript = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:788
objCount = 8
SetFrameRef = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:793
objPrefix = "NeuronFlyoutButton"
elapsed = 0
messagebg = NeuronFlyoutBar2MessageBG {
class = "bar"
message = NeuronFlyoutBar2Message {
width = 43
height = 43
num = 0
count = 8
origCol = 8
x = nil
y = nil
object = NeuronFlyoutButton10 {
macroname = NeuronFlyoutButton10MacroName {
shine5 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine5 {
flyoutborder = NeuronFlyoutButton10FlyoutBorder {
elapsed = 0
class = "flyout"
flyoutright = NeuronFlyoutButton10FlyoutRight {
shine12 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine12 {
shine11 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine11 {
shine16 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine16 {
stored = false
iconframebackground = NeuronFlyoutButton10IconFrameBackGround {
objTIndex = 10
gloss = NeuronFlyoutButton10Gloss {
count = NeuronFlyoutButton10Count {
hitbox = NeuronFlyoutButton10HitBox {
SetData = defined @interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:743
bar = NeuronFlyoutBar2 {
flyoutbordershadow = NeuronFlyoutButton10FlyoutBorderShadow {
auracolor1 =
iconframeaurawatchtimer = NeuronFlyoutButton10IconFrameAuraWatchTimer {
shine13 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine13 {
data =
cdcolor2 =
debuffcolor =
normaltexture = NeuronFlyoutButton10NormalTexture {
shine3 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine3 {
macroparse = "
/cast [nobtn:2] Path of the Bloodmaul()
rangecolor =
shine8 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine8 {
shine6 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine6 {
FlyoutArrow = NeuronFlyoutButton10FlyoutArrow {
hotkey = NeuronFlyoutButton10HotKey {
FlyoutBorderShadow = NeuronFlyoutButton10FlyoutBorderShadow {
shine15 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine15 {
shine14 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine14 {
flyoutleft = NeuronFlyoutButton10FlyoutLeft {
shine9 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine9 {
iconframeaurawatch = NeuronFlyoutButton10IconFrameAuraWatch {
anchor = NeuronActionButton70 {
mac_flash = false
unit = "target"
pushedtexture = NeuronFlyoutButton10PushedTexture {
highlighttexture = NeuronFlyoutButton10HighlightTexture {
spellID = 159895
shine = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine {
shine2 = NeuronFlyoutButton10Shine2 {
cdcolor1 =
autocastable = NeuronFlyoutButton10AutoCastable {
macrospell = "Path of the Bloodmaul()"
noAction = "Interface\Buttons\UI-Quickslot"
UnwrapScript = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:788
iconframeflash = NeuronFlyoutButton10IconFrameFlash {
Execute = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.


Message: ...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:926: attempt to index field 'watchframes' (a nil value)
Time: Wed Dec 12 22:08:19 2018
Count: 2
Stack: ...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:926: attempt to index field 'watchframes' (a nil value)
...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:926: in function Flyout_ReleaseBar' ...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:670: in function Flyout_RemoveBar'
...ace\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON_FLYOUTBTN.lua:682: in function UpdateFlyout' Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:1428: in function ?'
Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:1543: in function `MACRO_OnEvent'
Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:462: in function <Interface\AddOns\Neuron\Objects/ACTIONBUTTON.lua:462>

Locals: self = NeuronActionButton70 {
0 =
shine5 = NeuronActionButton70Shine5 {
shine1 = NeuronActionButton70Shine1 {
auraText = false
iconframeicon = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameIcon {
tooltips = true
shine12 = NeuronActionButton70Shine12 {
shine11 = NeuronActionButton70Shine11 {
shine16 = NeuronActionButton70Shine16 {
iconframefiller = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameFiller {
iconframebackground = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameBackGround {
bindColor = "1;1;1;1"
spellGlowDef = true
gloss = NeuronActionButton70Gloss {
shine7 = NeuronActionButton70Shine7 {
macroText = false
multiSpec = true
bar = NeuronActionBar2 {
flyoutbordershadow = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutBorderShadow {
auracolor1 =

macroColor = "1;1;1;1"
shine13 = NeuronActionButton70Shine13 {
rangeInd = true
barLock = false
unit = "target"
tooltipsCombat = false
countText = true
flyout =
debuffcolor =
keys =
upClicks = true
tooltipsEnhanced = true
macroshow = "Will of the Forsaken"
macroname = NeuronActionButton70MacroName {
flyoutborder = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutBorder {
macroparse = "
#showtooltip Will of the Forsaken
noAction = "Interface\Buttons\UI-Quickslot"
config =
elapsed = 0
shine6 = NeuronActionButton70Shine6 {
showGrid = true
barLockCtrl = false
hotkey = NeuronActionButton70HotKey {
class = "bar"
FlyoutBorderShadow = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutBorderShadow {
flyoutright = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutRight {
spellGlow = true
cdAlpha = 1
objTIndex = 70
count = NeuronActionButton70Count {
shine14 = NeuronActionButton70Shine14 {
hitbox = NeuronActionButton70HitBox {
UnwrapScript = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:788
updateGroup = 1
shine9 = NeuronActionButton70Shine9 {
downClicks = false
iconframeaurawatchtimer = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameAuraWatchTimer {
barLockShift = false
data =
cdcolor2 =
normaltexture = NeuronActionButton70NormalTexture {
mac_flash = false
shine3 = NeuronActionButton70Shine3 {
rangecolor =
shine8 = NeuronActionButton70Shine8 {
FlyoutArrow = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutArrow {
pushedtexture = NeuronActionButton70PushedTexture {
DB =
checkedtexture = NeuronActionButton70CheckedTexture {
shine15 = NeuronActionButton70Shine15 {
iconframecooldowntimer = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameCooldownTimer {
shine = NeuronActionButton70Shine {
shine2 = NeuronActionButton70Shine2 {
cdcolor1 =
binder = NeuronActionButton70BindFrame {
buffcolor =
flyoutleft = NeuronActionButton70FlyoutLeft {
shine10 = NeuronActionButton70Shine10 {
iconframeaurawatch = NeuronActionButton70IconFrameAuraWatch {
Execute = defined @interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:777
countColor = "1;1;1;1"
border = NeuronActionButton70Border {
cdText = false
auraInd = false
bindText = true
shine4 = NeuronActionButton70Shine4 {
spellGlowAlt = false


fixed with 0.9.38d


Haha you had such a thorough and well written big report, I was super excited to fix it. It's a shame I already fixed the issue haha