


Rogue Vanish state (Assa or Outlaw)

SirLagardere opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I'm working on a french translation for Neuron, and it's nearly done, but as I test it I think I've find a strange beahavior. In Ass or Outlaw spec, when I vanish, my "action bar 1" (keeping the default one after a profile reset) is empty, and as soon as the vanish buff ends the bar is replaced by the state "stealth".
Looking at the code I think, we get the "stealth" with "GetNumShapeshiftForms()", and rogue only get one "stance" => "stealth".
So, I came with this solution inspired by the "shadow dance" workaround. In Neuron.lua :
After this :
--Adds Shadow Dance State for Subelty Rogues if (NEURON.class == "ROGUE" and GetSpecialization() == 3 ) then NEURON.STATES["stance2"] = L.SHADOW_DANCE NEURON.StanceIndex[2] = 185313 states = states.."[stance:2] stance2; " end

I add this :
--Adds Vanish State for Assa or Outlaw Rogues if (NEURON.class == "ROGUE" and (GetSpecialization() == 1 or GetSpecialization() == 2) ) then NEURON.STATES["stance2"] = "Vanish" NEURON.StanceIndex[2] = 1856 states = states.."[stance:2] stance2; " end

Then, I can use the remap option from stealth to vanish, and "voila", it works like intended.
(Maybe the true solution is to automate the remap... I don't know).

If you agree with this solution, you should add a L.VANISH entree in the localization files and replace "Vanish" with this one.

P.S. : Sub is not a problem with the Shadow dance remap (Vanish seems to be on stance2 too so, Shadow dance and vanish use the same state)


Ok I'll look into this tonight. I don't have a rogue so testing this will be tricky...hrm...


Humm you can put it on hold... Since the latest changes (especially the localization reworks) I don't encounter this behavior anymore. I'll keep you inform if at some point it reapears.


So I find a way to reproduce the problem. If I uncheck the "Stealth" in the GUI Homestate square (you find there Paged/Stealth(rogue)/Pet) of a bar, then check it back, I loose all the actions that was previously register to the stealth/vanish state and moreover I have again the "Vanish" problem (during the vanish phase (different buff ie "improved stealth") my bar is empty, and came back as soon as my stealth become active (buff is stealth))

I made some research, I think the bar as registered a "Stance 2" state after unchecking/checking the "Stealth" button and the "Vanish state" is bind to Stance 2. I find in the SavedVariables an entry for each buttons of the bar, but outside "Shadow dance" I don't think rogue should have a stance 2.