


Buttons with charges are greying out even when charges are still available

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 28 comments


Something like Ironskin Brew has 3 charges, as soon as one is consumed the button greys out which makes me think it isn't available. I don't think it did that before and it's definitely not how I'd expect it to work. Related to the Cooldown Transparency toggle in the bar config, I only want it to be active when there aren't any charges available.


I can confirm this. It seems to be greyed out when it is n - 1 charges rather than at zero available.



Notice how the F3 Shield of the Righteous button is greyed out as if there are no remaining changes, as is 2, Judgement.


This looks like it's working exactly as it always has to me. It's showing the cooldown for the next charge. I'm pretty sure nothing's changed there.


Alex, not sure who you're responding to. DPW, what you're showing is how it used to look, I think you have Cooldown Transparency disabled.

When CT is enabled it looks like this:


It should only be full grey when there aren't charges available.**

When CT is disabled it looks like DWs screenshot, here's my equivalent:


There's a possible additional issue where a config option that used to exist is no longer available (there used to be 4 options on the right side, currently only 3) which I think may have been to disable the sweep, I use timers and not sweeps and I can't currently figure out how to disable the sweep so that's also causing me issues. I'm not 100% sure of this, though, so I haven't reported it. This may be what's causing DPW issues but that's different from what I'm reporting here.

** Note - it's possible that CT as an option is new and replaced 2 of the config options that were there before and just isn't doing what I think it should be. I think it should be greying out the button when there aren't any charges available (or when a normal uncharged ability is on CD) but it should NOT be greying out the timer, I can't figure why greying out the timer would ever be desirable. With CT disabled the button looks exactly the same whether it has 3, 2, 1 or 0 charges which I don't think is how things used to work for me, it looks just as available at 0 charges as at 3.


I'm not using CT.

Here is how Neuron used to look when some charges were on CD, but some were available:


Notice how 2, Judgement is on CD for one charge (as is F3, Shield of the Righteous). The button (once GCD sweep has completed) is not greyed out at all, but the yellow sweep for the overall CD is subtly displayed. This is versus the screenshot I showed above where the button is greyed out for the entirety of the remaining CD of the next available charge.


Yep I can fix all of this. I rewrote the whole cooldown system, and this was an oversight on my part. Give me a little bit to get checks for these charge conditions implemented.

Also the other option in the GUI was for aura countdowns, and I fully broke it. I'm going to fix it I just haven't had a chance


@brittyazel Hey, I just installed 1.0.3b and it doesn't seem to be fixed.


@brittyazel It happens for me with any ability that has multiple charges, e.g. Judgement or Shield of the Righteous.


Blood Death Knight: Blood Boil and Rune Strike


Updated to 1.03d, I've still got the same issue.


What ability is the one doing this? I cannot make it happen with any of my abilities with charges and cooldowns


Based on my testing the only issue I'm seeing with charges at this point is that when an ability has more than one charge, when all are consumed (causing the button to go grey) and one charge accrues the button isn't reacting the way it used to. This appears to be in line with what dpw reported with his screenshot above.



The button does come back as the sweep progresses, though, so I think the issue is just that the button is too grey when it's pre-swept where before the grey was very subtle or there wasn't any darkening at all and the only function of the sweep was to show the progress of the cooldown, not to impact the look of the button. It's definitely less obvious now that the button can be pushed which I believe is what's causing us issues with the current behaviour.


Hmm...I'm not sure what to do with this. The reason it is "dark" is like you said, it's showing the cooldown spiral and it's just at the apex point. This is very different than the cdAlpha issue that was the original issue. In this case the button is doing exactly as I programmed it to. I look into the blizzard codebase and see hwo they handle it. I think there is a charge cooldown function that does the cooldown on the edge of the button only. Maybe we can use that

So we don't have any control on how the cooldown spiral works. It's a set color, speed, etc.


Well, if you want to use the Blizzard default frames for reference they're closer to what we had before than what we have now.

No charges remaining:

First charge almost but not quite refreshed:

One charge refreshed, 2nd still on CD:

Basically the button looks the same when you use a charge as when a charge refreshes which makes sense. Currently in Neuron that isn't the case, the charge refresh should look the same as the charge used (charge used looks right, IMO). If you can duplicate the Blizzard behaviour I think it'll satisfy everyone here.


Alright, I think I fixed it. Can you test the version in MASTER for me to see if this addressed both your issues? I believe I have recreated how the blizzard default frames handle cooldowns with charges now. Please put it through the ringer if you don't mind, and let me know you believe it's ready for me to release an update to everyone


I tried it from master and it looks like it's getting towards a fix. The GCD is not being displayed properly though. Top bars are Neuron, bottom are default blizzard UI.

Here you can see Sheild of the Righteous (off the regular GCD, but obviously has its own personal GCD.


And here is Judgement, which is on the regular GCD. All the other GCD abilities correctly display the GCD, but not the one that was used.


Appreciate your efforts on this @brittyazel


Aside from the issue dpw mentions above (to maybe clarify since I wasn't quite sure until I tested it, the GCD sweep is working fine for buttons that don't have charges but ones that do have charges don't show the GCD sweep when they're the button that's pushed), the only issue I see that remains is that while the GCD sweep re-activates the button in the area where the sweep has happened (and is greyed out in the area where the sweep hasn't happened, you can see it in the last screenshot above with the 3 buttons at the bottom), the same isn't happening for buttons with cooldowns, in the case of cooldowns the button remains grey until the sweep completes as can be seen here:


The sweep is at 9:00 in that screenshot so 3/4 of the button should have re-activated at that point.

On the upside, the timing of the buttons no longer feels laggy and seems to be working as it did before. We're close.


Much better as of now for me, running the master branch.
Although as a side note: keybindings aren't working on my non-main action bar for some strange reason (they were in 1.0.3d).
[Edit] Specifically macros with mouse button qualifiers. Previously it'd use the first one if you bound a key to it, and used that. Now it seems it's not calling anything.


Sorry, but it's still not fixed I'm afraid.

  • Two charges of Crusader Strike are available.
  • I press Crusader Strike
  • Expected result is that CS shows the GCD, followed by available.
  • Actual result is that CS shows as if available instantly. You can see the GCD being displayed on all my other abilities, while CS is showing available. If you press it, it is not available.


Using 1.0.4b


Interesting, I'll look at this.


Ok, after 3 hours I think I finally have this! It was tricky to have both the charge cooldown frame and the cooldown frame going at the same time. I had to modify the code a fair bit, but what we have now works. I also took special care to not leave the charge cooldown going for a button when changing states (as is super annoying and was the case for many years with Macaroon/Ion)

@dpwrussell and whoever else, do you mind testing the code in MASTER to see if it hits all the right marks for your needs?


Nvm it seems stable enough for me to push a release. 1.0.5 coming at you in about 30min


@brittyazel Looks great! Thanks!


I also added three cooldown distinction levels. It's subtle but I think it's nice.

  1. Regular spell cooldowns have the dark sweeping area effect + the leading edge has a yellow highlight
  2. Charge cooldowns that still have available charges have JUST the yellow leading edge (not the darkend sweeping)
  3. GCD cooldowns have just the dark sweeping area effect and not the yellow leading edge

This adds a subtle, but perceptible difference to the different CD types. Maybe this can help people when they're playing


I haven't noticed that yet, but I'll have a look. The reduced latency is amazing. It was so painful before. Massive improvement!!


One more related problem I'm afraid. I'm not sure what it is about this ability that makes it not behave
like the other multi-stack ones. You can see that Blessed Hammer (between judgement and consecration) has 0 stacks, but it showing as available.



I figured it out. It's that modified (by talents) abilities are incorrectly displayed. Blessed Hammer replaces Hammer of the Righteous. If I make a new macro for Blessed Hammer specifically it works perfectly, but the HotR macro shows the incorrect availability. There are quite a lot of abilities like this in the game, so probably worth fixing.

I checked what happens with default action bars and a regular blizzard macro. It worked as expected that the HotR button displayed the correct availability when using the Blessed Hammer talent.



@dpwrussell can you open this on a new ticket please? Id like to track it separately