


Extra Action Button staying visible

Trajin opened this issue · 24 comments


i've noticed this issue lately where the extra action button will stay visible after completing the quest that is using it. Today was the invasions in Tiragard sound. The jetpack was using the button. After completing that quest, the button would still show.
It only happened on two characters though. I ran at least 12 toons through world quests today and it only happened twice and /reload cleared it up.
Since it's so intermittent, I won't know if this latest version will fix it. i just saw the latest version on wowinterface so I'll try that this week to see if it works.


Yeah I've noticed that as well, buy I could NOT figure out why. I need to find a pattern before I can fix that one


I've seen this occasionally as well and it usually flickers, it's not on stably, at least for me.


Is this still happening. I can't make it happen


It's still happening, yes. One thing I noticed with one particular world quest (the assault one where you use the extra action button to reveal hidden horde spies in Arom's Stand) is that when the button SHOULD be showing and active it has a gold border around it (which I'd still like to be able to get rid of :) ), when it's showing incorrectly it has a grey monochrome border of a similar/the same style. Maybe that means something from the code side?


@raysmith59 I don't think so no. Since I rewrote those sections the code is now super compact. The issue has to be with the SetObjectVisibility() function in the extra action button class, but the thing that I don't understand is how that issue is so transient and how it only applies to a couple of quests. I'll do some more digging to see if I can add a double safety check or something, the real question is figuring out what makes these specific quests different than the rest


I do have them separated, quite often in previous expansion content both are active simultaneously so they can't really be put on top of each other. To be clear, when the frame is grey the button is there, it just doesn't do anything when clicked. It's not a different button, it's the same one. Interestingly, though, you may be on to something... it seemed to me that the grey frame was a bit simpler than the gold one, at this point based on the screenshot I just took I'm about 80% certain that it was the Extra Action Button frame (the top one in my screenshot below) that was showing up where the Zone Action Button is along with the actual Zone Action Button itself. It was in the same location as the ZAB but was flashing back and forth between the two in the active quest area. If it happens again of course I'll follow up but the easily duplicated scenario requires an assault in Drustvar and the next of those is scheduled for late Thu and that assumes that particular quest is up.

Going out on a limb - any chance in the code there's an accidental reference to EAB instead of ZAB in the ZAB section? That could start to explain what I think I was seeing.



I'm encountering this issue now although in this case it's the extra action button in both cases, the quest is Stop the Shipments in Vol'dun during an assault.

Here's when I'm in the quest zone:

Here's when I'm not (different toon, by the time I notice the issue I'm usually done the original quest):

It was flickering at the time when I was out of the quest area.


Interesting. So it seems like the function we use to check if we have an extra ability is erroneously reporting true during these assaults. I'll have to find a new method, as then proper blizzard way seems unreliable at best. Lovely.


@Trajin it's absolutely possible, I just have to wire in a GUI option for it which I was hoping to avoid with the current God aweful GUI code. However since the new GUI is still a ways out because I just don't have time right now, I could probably put an option like that in


Huh - actually thought I'd put in a request for that (a while back there was a GUI option to disable the border feature for one of the two buttons but not the other but at some point it was removed from the one that had it) but I can't find it now. Alternatively, I used to run add-ons that were supposed to remove the borders from those buttons , is there a way within Neuron to honour settings from other add-ons (ie. is there some sort of global showborder type function that you can leverage rather than making it a config option within Neuron itself)?


In terms of the residual action buttons, most of my recent experiences have been with assaults but I think most of my WQs with those action buttons have been from those, I don't think the issue is limited to assault quests. I'll provide updates as I come across it again.


@raysmith59 @Trajin Ok I just added the option to disable the border graphics for you guys lol. It will be in the next minor release out later today


<3 :)


Been a while but this issue just happened again with the feather ability after Ji-Kun in Throne of Thunder, was running 25 Heroic and the Extra Action Button for the feather is still hanging around (and flickering) after I'd run a couple of other raids.


I need to figure out what all of these occurrences have in common to work around them. Hang tight for a little while, im deep in a huge rewrite of nearly1/2 the add-on including a brand new GUI. I wanna see this big code rewrite through first, because it's going to make everything easy going forward


Nighthold going into P3 where this button fades:

Spires of Arak zone ability after teleporting away:


Ok I did some exploring and found that it is logic in the addon, not a bug with the condition check. I've added a bunch of re-logic to the whole of the addon for showing/hiding butttons, and I'm hoping I can piggyback off that work to fix this one once and for all.

So far so good. I haven't been able to trigger it in any of the usual ways. I believe the issue was a infinite loop back and forth between setting the alpha in SetCooldown and setting the alpha in SetObjectVisibility. Just a guess, but the new logic seems to correct it. I'll keep this open for another day or so just in case it pops up.


I did it! It's fixed! It's actually. Genuinely. Fixed. Holy effing shit.
