


Call Pet flyout not opening recently; Pet Utility flyout working correctly

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I've been using the same pet for the past few weeks so I'm not sure exactly when this started but all of a sudden my Call Pet flyout (dragged straight from the spell book) no longer opens with right-click after I relog, works fine when first dragged. My Pet Utility flyout is still working correctly.

Here's the code for the two buttons if it helps, I don't see anything obviously wrong:

							["homestate"] = {
								["macro_Text"] = "#showtooltip Call Pet 1()\n/cast [nobtn:2] Call Pet 1()\n/stopmacro [nobtn:2]\n/flyout blizz:9:l:b:t:1:c",
						}, -- [1]
						["config"] = {
							["date"] = "03/20/19 14:25:40",
					}, -- [1]

							["homestate"] = {
								["macro_Text"] = "#showtooltip Dismiss Pet()\n/cast [nobtn:2] Dismiss Pet()\n/stopmacro [nobtn:2]\n/flyout blizz:103:l:b:t:1:c",
						}, -- [1]
						["config"] = {
							["date"] = "03/20/19 14:25:40",
					}, -- [2]

No change for the call pet flyout and master caused a bunch of my bars to reset to the centre of my screen (XP, rep, extra action, zone, etc) so that'll need some more work before it goes live.


Can you check with the latest MASTER? I've done a lot of work on the Flyout and Pet code, so maybe I accidentally fixed it


Umm that bizarre. None of my bars on any of my toons are having issue, and my call pet flyout works I dunno


As of the latest release (?) is seems to be working again.


Yep I added a special condition for this ability. I don't know why but this specific ability needs a slight delay before we update the flyout after loading