


Can't drag items to the bar to show count

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


See #135 for reference to how it used to work. When I try dragging now the bars don't go into, uh, drag mode and my previous #showtooltip trick isn't working either, I'm just getting a blank button when I try that.


Ah... grid issue again, if I enable the grid I can drag but when the grid isn't shown the dragging doesn't activate it as it used to. So, I have a workaround at least.


I can't replicate this. I can drag items to the bar just fine, and it shows me the stack count perfectly. I don't know what's up


Ok I completely re-wrote the drag and drop code for moving spells around the bars. Care to test it for me? Maybe it helps this issue. There's still issues with ShowGrid sadly, and for right now I have the drag icon as a simple questionmark, but the final version will have the spell's icon on the mousecursor when moving abilities around


Good to know, I can fix that. I'm working on the drag and drop code now, it's a hot mess.