


Battle Pet in Action bar summons a wrong pet ID of the same type

RickStrife opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Good day. Thank you for this amazing Addon.

What happens is that when I click on a battle pet I dragged from my pet journal into a Neuron action bar I created for battle pets, it summons a wrong one.

Let me further explain this: I have three repeated battle pets in my journal. I have them repeated because they have three different visual models ("Malfunctioning Microbot" from Mechagon).

The problem occurs when I drag one of these pets into a Neuron action bar and then I try to summon it by clicking on the icon. It summons one of the other models I have instead of the one I dragged into the bar. I have tried dragging this pet into a regular blizzard action bar and it works normally (summons the right battle pet)

I will just take I wild guess and assume Neuron action bars are not handling battle pet IDs correctly.

Thank you.


That is likely the case. I haven't spent a ton of time looking at battle pets to be quite honest heh.

Question, if you go into the macro editor, what is the macro for the offending button, and what 'should' it say instead



Well, it says something that seems correct /summonpet Malfunctioning Microbot, but I think the macro is summoning by its Name and not by its ID, so I guess the Neuron's behavior on battle pets is to summon them by their names instead of their IDs, but I'm just assuming that. By doing this I guess it summons a random one due to the fact their original names cannot be changed (custom ones are not taken into consideration).

I also noticed that battle pets don't have regular tooltips on their Neuron created icon like player abilities have for example. The tooltip for battle pets just show their name.