


[classic] Bindings do not work with mod key - or am I doing it wrong?

Dwargh opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I have a bar with standard key bindings 1-0 (+ 2 more buttons)
First I tried macro [mod:shift] to alter spells on same key, but it wouldn't cast.
So I tried making the bar with shift state. The bar shifts so that part works but pressing the bound keys does nothing.
I thought perhaps the key is bound to only the non modded state, so I tries binding the shift state button to shift +key which still didn't help.

I'm lost for how to be able to use shift state buttons on key press.


Sorry I've been super busy and haven't had a time to look at my bug reports! Bound keys should work for all bar states, if that is not the case then that is a bug. Let me investigate and get back to you