


/use itemname action button looks useable even when item isn't equipped

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I believe historically it used to either grey out (my preference) or just show a ? (not my preference) but I don't think it showed as available when it isn't.

One note - the current behaviour is probably desired in the case where there's an /equip of the same itemname prior to the /use, my requested change should be limited to a macro that only includes /use.


That's fair too. Hm. My main issue is that I have two on-use trinkets I switch between depending on circumstances and since it looks like both are available I'm often clicking the wrong one under pressure. Mind you, I only had to do this since /use 14 doesn't currently show the cooldown so once that's fixed I'll go back to doing that.

Yeah, never mind, closing this.


Most usable items are usable from bags, without being equipped. Most can't even be equipped.