


Weird behaiuor of macro names

Addonman opened this issue ยท 11 comments


I recently seen macros not haveing names shown.Also weird thing is when i go into neuron edit buttons if i edit macro i get names back on rest of macros but not on macro i just edited. And macros are basicly to just open addon like /la for loot apraiser.


hrm my macro names are working just fine. Can you screenshot an example for me? You do have the "Macro Names" toggle checked correct?


I just created a simple basic macro, gave it a name in the button editor, and the name is showing perfectly. I logged out and back in and it's still showing.


I do have macro names checked.Last couple of days or better saying updates i start noticing names on macros were gone. Names on spell are ok so far ,but macros names i created in /m just for getting to certain addons faster or simple as /roll so i dont have to type in chat -those names of maros are gone.Names on abilities are still here ,or mounts or flask and stuff like that.


Did you manually add names to those simple convenience macros?


Yes in Blizz macro window you get into with /m. or / macro


I tried even to go into configure button and make macro /roll and name it Roll it doesnt show up for me.Also i noticed what i said before if i edit 1 macro it names shows on other macros,but what i wanted to add that after that i moved my mouse over macros and names were gone again.


Oooooh you're using the Blizz macro window. This whole time I had though you were using the Neuron macro window. This is helpful to figuring out your issue. Kk I'll keep digging


And with relog names are gone


hrm. Ok this may be something stupid on my part. I'll take a look at it. I don't show my macro names on the buttons themselves usually so I probably missed it.

You do mean the name of the macro ability shown on the button itself right?


Yeah there was a bug that erased the name from the button upon dragging a BlizzMacro. I fixed the bug so it doesn't erase the name any longer, but it can't retroactively go back and add names back to those buttons, hance needing to re-drag


Seems to work ,but is needed to pull all macros from /m window again.