


[classic] Stance Bar

crosenbe opened this issue ยท 13 comments


Create a Warrior stance bar, moved stance abilities into these buttons per stance. But it's not possible to switch the stance. Pressing the button just enable or disable the border of this button.


That's odd, can you paste to me the macro contents of the buttons that aren't working. I've had something similar to this with druid Bear form


Also please attach a screenshot so I can better understand your setup and issue


Just to be clear because i never used Neuron before, i used Ion a lot of years ago. I just moved the abilities into the buttons. That's how it should be done?






Yep. Ion had a dedicated stance bar many years ago, but it was removed when stances became obsolete in retail. Since the removal, warriors and druids have just dragged the abilities to the bar as normal and it's worked great.

I don't play classic though, so I'm not sure why this wouldnt work... So clicking those buttons does nothing? Can you try making that same macro in the blizzard macro menu and see if it works? I'm interested to see if WoW Classic has some sort of blocker that breaks this macro


Seems i have to use a macro like "/cast [nostance:1] Kampfhaltung" instead but it does not help me to show the active stance with a border around the button.


I think the default was set to Item and not to Spell, perhaps that was the issue, it works now also with just moving the abilities by drag and drop. But what is still missing is to show the selected aura with a border around the buttons. Any idea how to show this?



Hrm I wonder if you used the English version of the spellName if it would work. Can you try making the stance macros with English?


From what I'm reading, something like "/cast Defensive Stance" should work


It worked now with German as well. I configured the button glow with WeakAura.

WeakAura configuration ...

    ["outline"] = "OUTLINE",
    ["fontSize"] = 12,
    ["authorOptions"] = {
    ["displayText"] = "",
    ["yOffset"] = 0,
    ["regionType"] = "text",
    ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM",
    ["color"] = {
        [1] = 1,
        [2] = 1,
        [3] = 1,
        [4] = 1,
    ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER",
    ["customTextUpdate"] = "event",
    ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto",
    ["actions"] = {
        ["start"] = {
            ["do_glow"] = false,
            ["glow_action"] = "show",
            ["glow_frame_type"] = "FRAMESELECTOR",
            ["glow_frame"] = "NeuronActionBar2_ActionButton1",
        ["init"] = {
        ["finish"] = {
    ["triggers"] = {
        [1] = {
            ["trigger"] = {
                ["type"] = "status",
                ["unevent"] = "auto",
                ["duration"] = "1",
                ["event"] = "Stance/Form/Aura",
                ["unit"] = "player",
                ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START",
                ["use_form"] = false,
                ["spellIds"] = {
                ["form"] = {
                    ["single"] = 1,
                    ["multi"] = {
                        [1] = true,
                        [2] = true,
                        [3] = true,
                ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL",
                ["use_unit"] = true,
                ["names"] = {
                ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL",
            ["untrigger"] = {
        ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10,
    ["fixedWidth"] = 200,
    ["internalVersion"] = 29,
    ["justify"] = "LEFT",
    ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap",
    ["id"] = "StanceGlow",
    ["animation"] = {
        ["start"] = {
            ["type"] = "none",
            ["easeStrength"] = 3,
            ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
            ["easeType"] = "none",
        ["main"] = {
            ["type"] = "none",
            ["easeStrength"] = 3,
            ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
            ["easeType"] = "none",
        ["finish"] = {
            ["type"] = "none",
            ["easeStrength"] = 3,
            ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
            ["easeType"] = "none",
    ["frameStrata"] = 1,
    ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN",
    ["config"] = {
    ["uid"] = "m8pPH97RJne",
    ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT",
    ["subRegions"] = {
    ["conditions"] = {
        [1] = {
            ["check"] = {
                ["trigger"] = 1,
                ["variable"] = "form",
                ["op"] = "==",
                ["value"] = 1,
            ["changes"] = {
                [1] = {
                    ["value"] = {
                        ["glow_color"] = {
                            [1] = 0.7843137254902,
                            [2] = 0.7843137254902,
                            [3] = 0.7843137254902,
                            [4] = 1,
                        ["glow_thickness"] = 3.05,
                        ["glow_action"] = "show",
                        ["glow_frequency"] = -0.15,
                        ["glow_frame"] = "NeuronActionBar2_ActionButton1",
                        ["glow_border"] = false,
                        ["glow_length"] = 6,
                        ["glow_frame_type"] = "FRAMESELECTOR",
                        ["glow_type"] = "buttonOverlay",
                        ["use_glow_color"] = true,
                        ["glow_lines"] = 10,
                    ["property"] = "glowexternal",
        [2] = {
            ["check"] = {
                ["trigger"] = 1,
                ["variable"] = "form",
                ["value"] = 2,
                ["op"] = "==",
            ["changes"] = {
                [1] = {
                    ["value"] = {
                        ["glow_frame_type"] = "FRAMESELECTOR",
                        ["glow_action"] = "show",
                        ["glow_frame"] = "NeuronActionBar2_ActionButton2",
                        ["glow_type"] = "buttonOverlay",
                        ["use_glow_color"] = true,
                        ["glow_color"] = {
                            [1] = 0.7843137254902,
                            [2] = 0.7843137254902,
                            [3] = 0.7843137254902,
                            [4] = 1,
                    ["property"] = "glowexternal",
        [3] = {
            ["check"] = {
                ["trigger"] = 1,
                ["variable"] = "form",
                ["value"] = 3,
                ["op"] = "==",
            ["changes"] = {
                [1] = {
                    ["value"] = {
                        ["glow_frame_type"] = "FRAMESELECTOR",
                        ["glow_action"] = "show",
                        ["glow_color"] = {
                            [1] = 0.7843137254902,
                            [2] = 0.7843137254902,
                            [3] = 0.7843137254902,
                            [4] = 1,
                        ["use_glow_color"] = true,
                        ["glow_frame"] = "NeuronActionBar2_ActionButton3",
                        ["glow_type"] = "buttonOverlay",
                    ["property"] = "glowexternal",
        [4] = {
            ["check"] = {
                ["trigger"] = 1,
                ["variable"] = "form",
                ["value"] = 1,
                ["op"] = "~=",
            ["changes"] = {
                [1] = {
                    ["value"] = {
                        ["glow_frame_type"] = "FRAMESELECTOR",
                        ["glow_action"] = "hide",
                        ["glow_frame"] = "NeuronActionBar2_ActionButton1",
                    ["property"] = "glowexternal",
        [5] = {
            ["check"] = {
                ["trigger"] = 1,
                ["variable"] = "form",
                ["value"] = 2,
                ["op"] = "~=",
            ["changes"] = {
                [1] = {
                    ["value"] = {
                        ["glow_frame_type"] = "FRAMESELECTOR",
                        ["glow_action"] = "hide",
                        ["glow_frame"] = "NeuronActionBar2_ActionButton2",
                    ["property"] = "glowexternal",
        [6] = {
            ["check"] = {
                ["trigger"] = 1,
                ["variable"] = "form",
                ["value"] = 3,
                ["op"] = "~=",
            ["changes"] = {
                [1] = {
                    ["value"] = {
                        ["glow_frame_type"] = "FRAMESELECTOR",
                        ["glow_action"] = "hide",
                        ["glow_frame"] = "NeuronActionBar2_ActionButton3",
                    ["property"] = "glowexternal",
    ["load"] = {
        ["spec"] = {
            ["multi"] = {
        ["class"] = {
            ["multi"] = {
        ["size"] = {
            ["multi"] = {
    ["xOffset"] = 0,

As long it was possible to create a stance bar it worked without macros to display the selected stance. With using macros it does not seem to be possible. I also didn't find a way to work with Weak Auras or Power Auras because the selected stance is no Auro (i believe so).


So what was the solution for getting the macro to work?


I think during all relevant tests to get button glow working i switched the bar to "paged" which results in not working buttons. The macros are working with just using a default action bar without any selected option. Button glow does not work with Neuron, but it can be implemented by using the "Weak Auras" addon like described above.