


Cooldowns on toys not showing

TruthNZ opened this issue ยท 20 comments


As per the topic.

Particularly missing it on my hearthstone toys.


Hrm my hearthstone toys all show cooldowns... can you drag the toy off and redrop it on from the toy menu? I did some work so maybe it needs to be re-placed to take effect


It's a fresh install of WoW with addons only just installed and setup.


hrm. Odd. I'm testing cooldowns for my hearthstone toys and I'm confirming that the cooldown shows


Can you try the code in MASTER?


And do you mind pasting me the macro text so I can just verify what the contents are?


Tried Master branch, same issue.

Auto created Macro is just:
/use Greatfather Winter's Hearthstone

I've also tried putting putting a #showtooltip in as well, also no luck.

I'm also getting the same issue with items from my bags not showing their cooldowns.

And I've tried doing a complete profile reset, still no luck.


Actually for #showtooltip, I'm not getting a picture either. I've tried both:
#showtooltip item:162973
#showtooltip Greatfather Winter's Hearthstone

I'd just to check, I unloaded all other addons, still no cooldown showing.
I'm also not seeing the cooldown in the mouseover tooltip.
And I confirmed that if I unload Neuron, and use the base blizz bars I am seeing the cooldowns with fine (for both toys dragged onto the base action bars, and macro's with #showtooltip for them).


...uh #showtooltip is giving me a picture just fine, and I cannot for the life of me replicate 'not' getting a cooldown for that button. Is there anything special about the bar?


Annotation 2020-04-26 003241
Just to prove I'm not lying to you lol



Standard Action Bar. Turned off the Macro Name, and turned on Cooldown Count. But have tried with default settings for a new bar.


Ok, just to make sure there was no interactions going on, or old code: I've completely deleted my interfaces and WTF folders (after backing up of course), and installed only Neuron from the master branch.
Still no go.


Ok I'm just taking stabs in the dark. Can you try MASTER please, I just made a change?


That did it!


Woot! I actually figured out the 'real' problem. I was looking for the item in the item cache using the name with capitals in it, rather than just lower case which is how I save it to the cache lol. Such a stupid error. Capital letters vs lowercase letters.


So a further wrinkle in this issue. It works for toys I've dropped onto an action bar somewhere.
But not for anything with just the #showtooltip part (a macro I've setup), unless that toy is somewhere on another action bar elsewhere :(

(I've got a self-modifying macro for random hearthstones. It'll show the tooltips for ones I've dropped onto an actionbar elsewhere, but not for ones that aren't)

Don't know if you want to reopen this, or raise as a new issue.


It's cool, I can add some more logic perhaps. Thanks for figuring this out. Can you paste the random hearthstone code here so I can test it with your exact macro?


I'm using this addon:
It's got a script it executes which modifies the macro every time you run it (Which thankfully seems to update the version dropped onto an action bar too).


Please test MASTER. I just added a fix that might address this


Will do when I get home from work tonight (so 5ish hours).


Ok, so it works if I use the Neuron Macro editor.

If I create a Macro in the Base UI editor, and then drag drop it onto a bar, then it doesn't work.

Unfortunately, if I create the Macro directly in the Neuron Editor, the addon doesn't pick it up and updated it :(