


Icons faded out

Fizgig1973 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Using the latest update I found that my spells and abilities seem to randomly fade out as if they haven't been learned yet.

This is happening on Extra Action Button 1, and Zone Action Button 1 as well.


Yes I had this issue yesterday but I thought I fixed it in the latest release. Which version are you using? I set up in inheritance structure, so Extra and Zone buttons now rely on the parent BUTTON:UpdateUsable() function. I thought I had this all sorted out though...hrm...

Is there a specific place or quest that I can try to replace this with?


Using Neuron-1.3.3
Date: Sun Apr 26 00:44:43 2020 -0700

I haven't tested with the Extra Action and Zone Buttons yet, those were happening prior to the latest download, so might be fixed.

The faded out icons are on my main action bars created by Neuron.


Are the icons that are effected for spells or items, or both?


Just for the spells. And it seems to happen randomly, it's not always the same spells that fade out.


I believe this is the same issue as #337. Closing to keep it all in one spot