


Odd issue when moving buttons

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Here's the specific scenario. I had druid Travel Form hotkeyed on ' and Disenchant hotkeyed on G. I moved Disenchant to T, then moved Travel Form to G. I immediately hit G which put me into travel form, I then flew to a Make Loh Go and completed it. Once I came out, I hit G again but while G flashed briefly, the Disenchant button now on T stayed lit and the cursor changed to the one used for DEing. When I ESCed out of that I hit T and DE worked as expected.

Relogging seems to have fixed it.

No clue what's going on, let me know if you want anything tested.


Weird... is it constantly happening or was it a one off thing?


It's consistent when following the steps above.