


Keybinds don't work with hidden UI

Ketrel opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue description:

When the UI is hidden (default: Alt+z), keybinds on Neuron bars cease functioning.

How to reproduce:

  1. Have a bar with a keybind, say 1-9
  2. Hide the UI
  3. Try to use the keybind(s)

Technical info:

  • Addon Version: cfd86df
  • Client: Retail
  • Client Patch Version: 9.0.1

Additional context:

I do not believe this is a global WoW issue as doing the same, but with Bartender, the keybinds still function.


Perhaps as a per bar option?

Like: ( ) React to Keybinds While UI Hidden


Updated to efbd181
Identical behavior


Hello, this is actually by design. A "hidden" button means that it is actually (practically) not present on the UI layer at the moment, and therefore any children dependencies of that hidden button, like keybinds, don't exist for all intents and purposes. If you want to have a button "invisible", you can use the alpha-up feature to allow it to change the alpha saturation dynamically, and with that it should still regain all of the keybinding.


I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing. I'm talking about when hiding the entire UI with alt+z.
Blizzard bars maintain functional keybinds, as do Bartender ones.
I cannot find an alpha up setting that makes a difference.

For example, I have judgement on a bar and is keybound to"4".

How do I cast it now? Pressing 4 does nothing.

If I make a bar with Bartender or enable the Blizzard bars and put it on either of those, and keybind it to 4, it still works in this state.