


Workaround included: Ve'nari and Research reps don't show properly on the rep bar

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Those two reps weren't displaying the % or bubbles correctly so I looked into it a bit, seems the issue is that they're friendship reps that are also capable of being paragons, guess that hasn't been in the game before. I rejigged the code starting at line 452 of STATUSBTN.lua and here's what I ended up with, in limited testing it seems to work for normal friendships/paragon friendships that aren't maxed yet/paragon friendships in paragon status/non-friendship reps. I did notice an issue where the mouseover isn't working, I don't think my code changes caused that so I'll report that separately.

Basically, I'm promoting paragon to be the primary factor but allowing the friendship code to run when the friend rep isn't at paragon status yet. I may not have properly factored in things like bar colour so there may be a better way to do this, mostly providing this as a temporary workaround for people who are looking for one.

		if not isParagon then
			colors.r, colors.g, colors.b = BAR_REP_DATA[standingID].r, BAR_REP_DATA[standingID].g, BAR_REP_DATA[standingID].b
			standing = BAR_REP_DATA[standingID].l --convert numerical standingID to text i.e "Exalted" instead of 8
			--if not friendID then --not a "Friendship" faction, i.e. Chromie or Brawlers Guild
			if friendID then --is a "Friendship" faction
				if string.find(name, "Brawl'gar Arena") or string.find(name, "Bizmo's Brawlpub") then
					colors.r, colors.g, colors.b = BAR_REP_DATA[standingID].r, BAR_REP_DATA[standingID].g, BAR_REP_DATA[standingID].b
					if standingID + 2 > 8 then
						standingID = 7
					colors.r, colors.g, colors.b = BAR_REP_DATA[standingID+2].r, BAR_REP_DATA[standingID+2].g, BAR_REP_DATA[standingID+2].b --offset by two, because friendships don't have "hated" or "hostile" ranks
			local para_value, para_max, _, hasRewardPending = C_Reputation.GetFactionParagonInfo(factionID);
			standingID = 9
			value = para_value % para_max;
			max = para_max
			if hasRewardPending then
				name = name.." ("..L["Reward"]:upper()..")"
			min = 0
			colors.r, colors.g, colors.b = BAR_REP_DATA[9].r, BAR_REP_DATA[9].g, BAR_REP_DATA[9].b
			standing = BAR_REP_DATA[9].l --set standing text to be "Paragon"

fixed, thanks for doing this! Please test it with what I have in MASTER