


Zone Action Bar isn't using buttons beyond the first

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


There are time in Zeth Mortis where there are multiple quests in the same region using different Zone Action Buttons but only one ever shows up; I thought adding the extra 3 buttons were for this type of scenario but I don't recall it ever working that way.


is this a duplicate of #435 ?


Nay. The other report was for a button that doesn't do anything when clicked or is unclickable; this one is for a bar with multiple buttons that don't use any buttons beyond the first even when multiple should be active.

I've stopped using this addon since I heard it would no longer be maintained, though. RIP in-button macros.


I've been working on the neuronnext branch here and there. It's pretty functional as a basic macro based action bar.

Some of the more advanced features are still in flux.

But hope isn't completely dead!