


Buttons not red-out for abilities out of range

TruthNZ opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Issue description:

Previous versions of Neuron used to red-out buttons when the ability was out of range. I believe it's a bug in the current version that this no longer happens

How to reproduce:

  1. Place a ranged ability on to a bar.
  2. Move out of range of a valid target for that ability.
    Button does not change (go reddish) like it used to.

Technical info:

Addon Version: Main Branch at ff08be4
Client: Retail


i've noticed this too. i haven't made it a priority over getting the new gui done yet since it still works without it.

it's only mildly annoying to me, but i can bump up the priority if it's game breaking to people. but that will take time away from finishing the gui and the first alpha of neuron next ;-)


It's definitely an irritant, but can see why it's low priority for you.
Most raised this to keep track of it.