


Currently not able to deliver updates or new features. Maybe check out which looks more mature and well developed (Check out Kill On Sight feature)

Put unfair gankers that killed you while you were fighting a mob on a list. When you see them again later, the addon will play a loud sound and prints a message to the chat.

You can add/remove players via context menu (Right-Click on the enemy) or use commands:

Either use /rev, /revenge or /gank and then the following commands:

/gank      - Prints all available commands

/gank {Name of the Player}     - Puts the name on the ganklist

/gank {Name of the Player} {Reason}    - Puts the name on the ganklist with the specified reason

/gank target    - Puts the name of the current target to the ganklist

/gank remove {Name of the Player}    - Removes the player from the list

/gank list    - Prints all names on the list to the chat, Only visible to the player

/gank export   - Creates a export frame with all names including reasons. Copy and Paste content to share lists

/gank import   - Creates a import frame. Paste a list exported from another user

/gank reset    - Clears the list