Ny's To-Do List - Todo / Task Manager

Ny's To-Do List - Todo / Task Manager


[BUG] Can't add new entries

Garltok opened this issue ยท 10 comments


On some of my characters I can't add new entries (see Pic).

I disable all addons and still have the same problem while the other characters can have all addons enabled and still make new entries without any issues,

I also cleared the cache and reinstalled the addon, which didn't fix it.
Screenshot 2024-02-21 062520


Hi, I'd say that this is due to an addon conflict, but now I don't know.

Can you tell me if when that happens, you also can't add new categories ? or if an error pops up ?

You could also send me your saved variables file (Nys_ToDoList.lua file) so that I can test it myself if that's ok for you



I had to add it as a zip, but here it is


Also not sure what changed, but the problem has seemed to have fixed itself


Well I'm glad to hear this, because I really didn't know how to fix this, and I couldn't replicate it ^^
Let's hope it doesn't come back ๐Ÿ˜‰


Hey, just wanted to say same issue here. Not the first time it has happened, and it usually goes away on its own.. however, no clue what causes it or why. One second I'm adding global tabs and everything is fine, the next I get the same issue where adding a tab shows it as blank (adding categories is fine, it's adding items that is messed up). The same issue has happened to me regardless of tab (profile/global)

edit: changing alts seems to have fixed it. Not sure if that was a coincidence or if thats what actually fixed it. If it happens again in the future will try to verify if thats the fix.

edit2: happened again, weird. Different character this time too. Tried changing alts again and that did not fix it, so evidently was just a fluke. My alts can add items fine though, so it seems the problem is happening with just one particular character when it occurs, and doesn't carry over to my alts.



I had to add it as a zip, but here it is

By the way, if anyone could log out or /reload the moment it happens, and then send me your Nys_ToDoList.lua file found in World of Warcraft\retail\WTF\Account<your account>\SavedVariables, it would be a big help.

(I am quoting you because you sent me the files from your realm folder, which are not the ones I need ^^)

And also, try resizing the list when that happens and tell me if it fixes the problem please

EDIT: I may have found a fix, please install the (maybe) fixed addon version below and give me your feedback


Well that's a problem. I'll have a look at it again hoping I can recreate this bug on my own. How long ago was it since the first time this happened for you ? Did it happen after creating an entry or just logging in randomly ?


Even better, please install this modified addon version and tell me if it still happens, I may have found a fix.



Even better, please install this modified addon version and tell me if it still happens, I may have found a fix.


Will do! And to answer your previous question, I am estimating to say that the first time the issue occurred for me was about 2-3 weeks ago? Anyways, I have no idea what causes the bug to occur, so I will add your modified version and see if that stops it (unless it would be more helpful to maintain the original and wait for the bug to potentially happen again, and send you that file?)


Even better, please install this modified addon version and tell me if it still happens, I may have found a fix.


Will do! And to answer your previous question, I am estimating to say that the first time the issue occurred for me was about 2-3 weeks ago? Anyways, I have no idea what causes the bug to occur, so I will add your modified version and see if that stops it (unless it would be more helpful to maintain the original and wait for the bug to potentially happen again, and send you that file?)

For now playing with the modified version is still the best thing, I'll probably update the addon soon with that change, and if it still happens then at least I know that it's due to something else. Thanks for the reply!