Ny's To-Do List - Todo / Task Manager

Ny's To-Do List - Todo / Task Manager


[Feature Request] An additional tab for "scratchpad" or "notepad"?

radhaz opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Would it be possible to get one more tab that allows players to jot down quick notes independent of the weekly/daily tabs?

This would be useful for making lists of things we're keeping an eye out for or notes on how to do particular things (like boss order in legacy dungeons or locations for things etc)


Hey, I'm sorry this isn't planned at the moment.

Thanks for the response, I'll close the post since it's not happening


Hey, I'm sorry this isn't planned at the moment. If you want you can sort of do this by adding descriptions on elements, they can allow you to write pretty much anything you want, and you can treat the name of the item as the title. So you could for example create a new tab, and everything that's in it will be your notepad through the items descriptions.