Ny's To-Do List - Todo / Task Manager

Ny's To-Do List - Todo / Task Manager


[BUG] Category name disappears randomly

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments


I've noticed that sometimes the name of a category in one of my tabs will disappear. I looked at the saved variables and it seems to be in there still but it's showing as a blank space on the UI. It also seems to happen repeatedly -- I've created a new category with the same name and dragged the entries to it, reordered things so it's back the way it was, and then a few days later I notice the category name is gone again.

It may just be a visual issue, though, since the value is still in the variables. I just relogged to a character I saw the issue on earlier to try and take a screenshot and the name is showing again.


Hello, yes I have noticed that recently too and I may have found a fix for it, I'll update the addon soon.
btw yes it is only visual


Great! Thanks for letting me know =)