OmniCC adding timer over every cooldown frames
oldchap opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hello i'm the author of
It seems that whenever OmniCC detect Cooldown frames, it add a timer over it. So far it's a pretty clever method.
Unfortunately i already have a built in timer in my addon, which lead to have two timers for one cooldown. Do you have any method i could implement to prevent OmniCC from adding a timer over my Cooldowns ?
Of Course i could add an option to disable my timers but there is some place i don't want any timers at all and in this case my options wouldn't work.
Apply this flag to each cooldown model:
noCooldownCount = true
Then, call this method:
mmmh thanks but then i don't know how to apply this flag. Yes i'm using XML for building the frame but creating Cooldown ones in Lua using :
And when i should i call your method ? after having created the cooldown frames ? and do i have to do it only once per session ?
anyway thanks for your fast anwser.