


Bugs with threat plates and cc control

Addonman opened this issue · 12 comments


With i think yesterdays version i am getting 2 bugs.
first -double cooldowns in threat plates but for some reason cd from omnicc i am getting only some off times and not always.(hunter spell A murder of crows)
2nd-on top of usual cc control timers i am getting omnicc enourmus numbers on top of it- 3-5 times size of usual ones
Is there way to turn them off to get back to prevoius situation?


Do you have screenshots?


Try with the latest beta (beta4)


Its better,but also the same with double cooldowns.They are just nicer to see since they are smaller.And on cc control inside icon not on top of it like in pic.


My fix was mainly for the super large text on loss of control timers.
For ThreatPlates, create a new group with the rule ThreatPlates and then disable text on it.


Enable cooldown text dont work,still got cooldowns showing,Tried messing with min/max text size to show -didnt work as well.


Tested.Checked that enable cooldown text is off. Did /rl after . And then something odd happens.Whent to dummies and first time i attack target i get double cooldowns (deep wounds in my case) then its works like it should only TP cooldowns.


You might have to reload after doing so.


Not sure why I’m not able to reproduce this one.


What the code you submitted is doing is attempting to grab a reference of the Cooldown.SetCooldown method prior to OmniCC hooking it. It later uses that reference like this:

-- Widget:UpdateAuraInformationIconMode(frame)
self.SetCooldown(frame.Cooldown, expiration - duration, duration + .25)

OmniCC is probably hooking the cooldown method before your code is called. The preferred way of hiding OmniCC (and tullaCC and other stuff) is to add noCooldownCount = true to the cooldown:

-- Widget:CreateAuraFrameIconMode
frame.noCooldownCount = true

Jep, saw that also when I looked into your code. With that, cooldown numbers are no longer shown. Thanks.


Developer of Threat Plates here. Today, I also realized that OmniCC cooldowns are shown on TP's auras. That's something that did not happen before the latest release, I think, as there is some sourcecode in TP that should prevent that. Basically

-- Get a clean version of the function...  Avoid OmniCC interference
local CooldownNative = CreateFrame("Cooldown", nil, WorldFrame)
Widget.SetCooldown = CooldownNative.SetCooldown

I don't really understand the code currently as it was already there before I started to maintain TP, but right now, it's no longer working, i.e., preventing OmniCC numbers from showing up.