Is intended that a Cooldown object needs a parent?
millanzarreta opened this issue ยท 5 comments
In you code you have somethink like this:
function Display:GetOrCreate(parent)
return displays[parent] or self:Create(parent)
function Display:Create(parent)
local display = setmetatable(Addon:CreateHiddenFrame("Frame", nil, parent), Display_MT)
display:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", self.OnSizeChanged)
display.text = display:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
display.cooldowns = {}
displays[parent] = display
return display
This is called in this function:
local function showTimer(cooldown, duration)
local minDuration
local settings = Addon:GetGroupSettingsFor(cooldown)
if settings and settings.enabled then
minDuration = settings.minDuration or 0
minDuration = math.huge
if (duration or 0) > minDuration then
if not hooked[cooldown] then
hooked[cooldown] = true
cooldown:HookScript("OnHide", cooldown_OnHide)
active[cooldown] = true
If cooldown:GetParent() don't exist a LUA error occurs (in the "displays[parent] = display" line). Some cooldown frames have not parents, speacilly some addon cooldown frames. Is this LUA error intended? In my opinion I think you should consider this possibility.
Its an error that OmniCC attempts to get/create displays for nil parents. Do you have an example addon that has cooldowns without parents?
Yes I have a example, the addon LoseControl that I currently maintain in the version 6.02 and under have this problem. In the new version 6.03 I have created a new auxiliar frames only with the objective of be parent of the cooldowns frames, and the problem is solved.
I don't know if has a error or "bad design" have a Cooldown frames in my addon without other frames as their parents, and don't know if this is frequent on other addons or not. But is true that the old version of OmniCC works well, and the new version don't.
To download the 6.02 version of LoseControl:
To test it, after install the addon, go to configuration panel of LoseControl, and select "Uncheck", the Cooldown frames showns and the LUA error triggers.
Try with the latest commit (6b43e46).
OmniCC uses the parent of the object to avoid showing text for multiple cooldowns on the same object.