


What is going on with this addon?!!

40P3 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Cooldowns all over the place now!
I cannot get rid of cooldowns on raven addon's buff icons. It just don't go away, even though I've specifically selected not to show omnicc cooldowns on raven's bars/icons.

On my neuron bar I see multiple cooldowns, two three at a time (I use mod:ctrl/alt/shift on all my toons in a very standard 12button fashion so I assume these cooldowns show for modded skills on buttons)

Damn I haven't felt so perplexed in years what to push now! :( Can't really live without this fantastic addon!

Please fix!


Raven seems to be hiding OmniCC when you disable it from the addon.

Neuron appears to have its own issues with charge cooldowns. I did this by just dragging an icon around.
You can see text from OmniCC, but you can also see actual cooldowns on each empty button