LUA Error on displaying finishing effect
tjalex opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Running version 8.2.0.
20x OmniCC\effects\shine.lua:103: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: <unnamed>:SetAllPoints.
[C]: in function `SetAllPoints'
OmniCC\effects\shine.lua:103: in function `Run'
OmniCC\core\fx.lua:36: in function `Run'
OmniCC\core\display-Display.lua:82: in function `OnTimerFinished'
OmniCC\core\timer.lua:143: in function `Update'
OmniCC\core\timer.lua:84: in function <OmniCC\core\timer.lua:84>
Still running into the issue, although less often, seemingly?
53x OmniCC\effects\shine.lua:103: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: <unnamed>:SetAllPoints.
[C]: in function `SetAllPoints'
OmniCC\effects\shine.lua:103: in function `Run'
OmniCC\core\fx.lua:36: in function `Run'
OmniCC\core\display-Display.lua:82: in function `OnTimerFinished'
OmniCC\core\timer.lua:143: in function `Update'
OmniCC\core\timer.lua:84: in function <OmniCC\core\timer.lua:84>
(*temporary) = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
animation = <unnamed> {
(*temporary) = TargetFrameBuff7Cooldown {
0 = <userdata>
_occ_kind = "default"
_occ_show = true
_occ_duration = 6
_occ_settings = <table> {
_occ_priority = 2
_occ_display = <unnamed> {
_occ_start = 21889.574000
The 8.2.2 release should hopefully fix this. What I think is happening is that SetAllPoints calls SetPoint internally. Since flare and shine are both pooled to save a bit of memory, I think it is unintentionally linking to a restricted frame sometimes (like say, a buff on a unitframe to a buff on a nameplate).