


Vudho Hot Squares

pandho opened this issue ยท 8 comments


With the newest version (9.0.6) some of my vuhdo hot squares don't show a countdown swipe and just look like they're about to run out. I can kind of fix it by hotting everyone up and opening / closing vuhdo, but that doesn't work for all buffs. I reinstalled 9.0.5 and the bug is gone.


Do you have cooldown opacity set to zero?


So i've been through hell the last 2 days trying to fix this.
I've made a theme with a rule for vuhdo, omnicc ignores it, tried to change minimum size to all extremes, nothing changes, only disabling the addon fixed, now i'm blessed to find this and reinstall the old version.

Opening vuhdo panel while putting hots makes them work, sort of, looks like omni is overwriting vuhdo's settings.
Screenshot of how it looks.
I didnt change anything in any setting before having this problem, happened after the update, only fixed by disabling the addon or reverting to the old version (1 every 10-20 hots would eventually pop up properly with a clock, again, feels like omni is having a conflict with vuhdo on who sets the rules on those frames- even with a rule to disable them)


Do you have cooldown opacity set to zero?

No, I didn't. Moving the slider around fixes the the issue (as far as i can tell).
But then i have no cooldown swipe for the spell icons in my action bars as well.
And i can't quite figure out, how to make a theme only for the vuhdo frames, so i can adjust the opacity slider only for them.


I have the same issue with the current version of OmniCC (9.0.7) and Vuhdo. Opacity is at 100%. It happes on Vuhdo HoTs / Bouquets.


Change the Opacity in OmniCC to zero and it fixes the issue with Vuhdo.


Change the Opacity in OmniCC to zero and it fixes the issue with Vuhdo.

Yeah, but then you dont see the CD of the ability anymore which is the main functionality of OmniCC


Try the 9.0.8 release for this. I no longer override cooldown opacity if you leave it at the default value (100%). This should hopefully fix this issue.


Seems to be working fine. Thank you very much!