


SoD 1.15.1 bug

mrbuds opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Give us a clear and concise description of the problem, and what you expect to happen

Someone reported on WeakAuras's discord that /wa didn't work after getting today SoD update, and the Lua error seems to point at OmniCC

It's still maintenance in europe so i can't help more than paste it here, maybe you got it fixed already, anyway i leave this here

2x Interface\FrameXML\FrameXML_Vanilla.toc:1 OmniCC/embeds.xml:5 Couldn't open OmniCC/libs/AceDB-3.0/AceDB-3.0.xml
2x Interface\FrameXML\FrameXML_Vanilla.toc:1 OmniCC/embeds.xml:4 Couldn't open OmniCC/libs/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.xml
2x Interface\FrameXML\FrameXML_Vanilla.toc:1 OmniCC/embeds.xml:3 Couldn't open OmniCC/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
2x Interface\FrameXML\FrameXML_Vanilla.toc:1 OmniCC/libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua:1 Error loading OmniCC/libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua
2x OmniCC/OmniCC_Vanilla.toc:18 Couldn't open OmniCC/settings/settings.xml
2x OmniCC/embeds.xml:6 Couldn't open OmniCC/libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0-8020003/lib.xml
2x OmniCC/embeds.xml:5 Couldn't open OmniCC/libs/AceDB-3.0-28/AceDB-3.0.xml
2x OmniCC/embeds.xml:4 Couldn't open OmniCC/libs/AceLocale-3.0-6/AceLocale-3.0.xml
2x OmniCC/embeds.xml:3 Couldn't open OmniCC/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
2x OmniCC/libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua:1 Error loading OmniCC/libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua
1x OmniCC/core/cooldown.lua:422: attempt to call method 'GetMatchingRule' (a nil value)
[string "@OmniCC/core/cooldown.lua"]:422: in function `GetTheme'
[string "@OmniCC/core/cooldown.lua"]:182: in function `Initialize'
[string "@OmniCC/core/cooldown.lua"]:283: in function `Refresh'
[string "@OmniCC/core/cooldown.lua"]:315: in function `SetNoCooldownCount'
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/Icon.lua"]:407: in function `SetHideCountdownNumbers'
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/Icon.lua"]:414: in function `modify'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3138: in function `SetRegion'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3223: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:3189>
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3244: in function `EnsureRegion'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1693: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1560>
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1910: in function `Resume'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1195: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1157>
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1309: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1260>
self = Frame {
 0 = <userdata>
event = "PLAYER_LOGIN"
addon = nil
dbIsValid = true
takeNewSnapshots = nil
ADDON_NAME = "WeakAuras"
db = <table> {
 dynamicIconCache = <table> {
 editor_tab_spaces = 4
 editor_font_size = 12
 lastArchiveClear = 1702149718
 minimap = <table> {
 lastUpgrade = 1702149721
 dbVersion = 70
 displays = <table> {
 registered = <table> {
 login_squelch_time = 10
 editor_theme = "Monokai"
Private = <table> {
 HandleGlowAction = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:3520
 frame_strata_types = <table> {
 DisplayToString = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Transmission.lua:351
 combat_event_type = <table> {
 regions = <table> {
 frameLevels = <table> {
 CheckItemSlotCooldowns = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:2911
 InitializeEncounterAndZoneLists = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Types_Vanilla.lua:9
 IsEnvironmentInitialized = <function> defined @WeakAuras/AuraEnvironment.lua:185
 duration_types = <table> {
 CleanArchive = <function> defined @WeakAuras/History.lua:22
 RunConditions = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Conditions.lua:775
 tooltip_count = <table> {
 SmoothStatusBarMixin = <table> {
 pet_spec_types = <table> {
 regionOptions = <table> {
 get_zoneId_list = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Types_Vanilla.lua:129
 checkForSingleLoadCondition = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Prototypes.lua:1148
 author_option_classes = <table> {
 grid_types = <table> {
 non_transmissable_fields = <table> {
 absorb_modes = <table> {
 combatlog_spell_school_types_for_ui = <table> {
 miss_types = <table> {
 CancelDelayedTrigger = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:904
 centered_types_h = <table> {
 ensurePRDFrame = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:5171
 talent_types = <table> {
 LoadFunction = <function> defined @WeakAuras/AuraEnvironment.lua:637
 reset_swing_spells = <table> {
 spec_types_all = <table> {
 player_target_events = <table> {
 FinishLoadUnload = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1979
 subRegionTypes = <table> {
 UnregisterAllEveryFrameUpdate = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:1797
 array_entry_name_types = <table> {
 combatlog_spell_school_types = <table> {
 StringToTable = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Transmission.lua:295
 RegisterLoadEvents = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1825
 GetReputationsSorted = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Types.lua:1499
 blend_types = <table> {
 text_automatic_width = <table> {
 EnforceSubregionExists = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:969
 CheckSpellCooldown = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:2788
 custom_trigger_types = <table> {
 group_types = <table> {
 subRegionOptions = <table> {
 text_rotate_types = <table> {
 spec_types = <table> {
 anim_ease_types = <table> {
 group_member_types = <table> {
 multiUnitUnits = <table> {
 anim_color_types = <table> {
 loaded = <table> {
 Convert = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:2195
 sound_channel_types = <table> {
 CheckCooldownReady = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:2968
 event_prototypes = <table> {
 CanHaveDuration = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:3668
 NeedToRepairDatabase = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:2272
 AtlasList = <table> {
 RegisterRegionType = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:368
 spark_rotation_types = <table> {
 GetReputationsHeaders = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Types.lua:1504
 unit_types_bufftrigger_2 = <table> {
 CheckSpellCooldows = <function> defined @WeakAuras
2x OmniCC/main.lua:60: attempt to index field 'db' (a nil value)
[string "@OmniCC/main.lua"]:60: in function `func'
[string "@OmniCC/main.lua"]:16: in function <OmniCC/main.lua:13>
self = <table> {
 IsConfigAddonEnabled = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:94
 ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:44
 PLAYER_LOGIN = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:59
 PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:55
 FX = <table> {
 ShowOptionsFrame = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:81
 Display = Frame {
 GetButtonIcon = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:110
 PLAYER_LOGOUT = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:69
 Timer = <table> {
 frame = Frame {
 Cooldown = <table> {
 CreateHiddenFrame = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:102
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'db' (a nil value)"
2x OmniCC/main.lua:51: attempt to call method 'InitializeDB' (a nil value)
[string "@OmniCC/main.lua"]:51: in function `func'
[string "@OmniCC/main.lua"]:16: in function <OmniCC/main.lua:13>
self = <table> {
 IsConfigAddonEnabled = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:94
 ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:44
 PLAYER_LOGIN = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:59
 PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:55
 FX = <table> {
 ShowOptionsFrame = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:81
 Display = Frame {
 GetButtonIcon = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:110
 PLAYER_LOGOUT = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:69
 Timer = <table> {
 frame = Frame {
 Cooldown = <table> {
 CreateHiddenFrame = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:102
event = "ADDON_LOADED"
addonName = "OmniCC"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 IsConfigAddonEnabled = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:94
 ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:44
 PLAYER_LOGIN = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:59
 PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:55
 FX = <table> {
 ShowOptionsFrame = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:81
 Display = Frame {
 GetButtonIcon = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:110
 PLAYER_LOGOUT = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:69
 Timer = <table> {
 frame = Frame {
 Cooldown = <table> {
 CreateHiddenFrame = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:102
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'InitializeDB' (a nil value)"
ADDON = "OmniCC"
1x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'WeakAuras' tried to call the protected function 'IsItemInRange()'.
[string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:485: in function <!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:485>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@WeakAuras/Libs/LibRangeCheck-3.0-10/LibRangeCheck-3.0.lua"]:553: in function `checker'
[string "@WeakAuras/Libs/LibRangeCheck-3.0-10/LibRangeCheck-3.0.lua"]:746: in function <...akAuras/Libs/LibRangeCheck-3.0/LibRangeCheck-3.0.lua:741>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@WeakAuras/Libs/LibRangeCheck-3.0-10/LibRangeCheck-3.0.lua"]:821: in function <...akAuras/Libs/LibRangeCheck-3.0/LibRangeCheck-3.0.lua:802>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua"]:415: in function <RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua:414>
[string "@RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua"]:469: in function `update'
[string "@RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua"]:489: in function <RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua:480>
_ = Frame {
 RegisterEvent = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
 0 = <userdata>
 UnregisterEvent = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
 SetScript = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
events = <table> {
 ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:557
 ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:557
 PLAYER_LOGIN = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:551
 LUA_WARNING = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:566
 ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:511
1x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'NovaWorldBuffs' tried to call the protected function 'CompactRaidFrame1:SetPoint()'.
[string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:485: in function <!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:485>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetPoint'
[string "@FrameXML/FlowContainer.lua"]:176: in function `FlowContainer_DoLayout'
[string "@FrameXML/FlowContainer.lua"]:17: in function `FlowContainer_ResumeUpdates'
[string "@Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames/Blizzard_CompactRaidFrameContainer.lua"]:185: in function `CompactRaidFrameContainer_LayoutFrames'
[string "@Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames/Blizzard_CompactRaidFrameContainer.lua"]:130: in function `CompactRaidFrameContainer_TryUpdate'
[string "@Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames/Blizzard_CompactRaidFrameContainer.lua"]:57: in function `CompactRaidFrameContainer_OnEvent'
[string "*Blizzard_CompactRaidFrameContainer.xml:79_OnEvent"]:1: in function <[string "*Blizzard_CompactRaidFrameContainer.xml:79_..."]:1>
_ = Frame {
 RegisterEvent = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
 0 = <userdata>
 UnregisterEvent = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
 SetScript = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
events = <table> {
 ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:557
 ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:557
 PLAYER_LOGIN = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:551
 LUA_WARNING = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:566
 ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:511
1x OmniCC/main.lua:70: attempt to index field 'db' (a nil value)
[string "@OmniCC/main.lua"]:70: in function `func'
[string "@OmniCC/main.lua"]:16: in function <OmniCC/main.lua:13>
self = <table> {
 IsConfigAddonEnabled = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:94
 ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:44
 PLAYER_LOGIN = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:59
 PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:55
 FX = <table> {
 ShowOptionsFrame = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:81
 Display = Frame {
 GetButtonIcon = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:110
 PLAYER_LOGOUT = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:69
 Timer = <table> {
 frame = Frame {
 Cooldown = <table> {
 CreateHiddenFrame = <function> defined @OmniCC/main.lua:102
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'db' (a nil value)"
1x OmniCC/core/cooldown.lua:422: attempt to call method 'GetMatchingRule' (a nil value)
[string "@OmniCC/core/cooldown.lua"]:422: in function `GetTheme'
[string "@OmniCC/core/cooldown.lua"]:182: in function `Initialize'
[string "@OmniCC/core/cooldown.lua"]:283: in function `Refresh'
[string "@OmniCC/core/cooldown.lua"]:315: in function `SetNoCooldownCount'
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/Icon.lua"]:407: in function `SetHideCountdownNumbers'
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/Icon.lua"]:414: in function `modify'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3138: in function `SetRegion'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3226: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:3189>
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3244: in function `EnsureRegion'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1693: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1560>
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1910: in function `Resume'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1195: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1157>
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1309: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1260>
self = Frame {
 0 = <userdata>
event = "PLAYER_LOGIN"
addon = nil
dbIsValid = true
takeNewSnapshots = nil
ADDON_NAME = "WeakAuras"
db = <table> {
 dynamicIconCache = <table> {
 editor_tab_spaces = 4
 displays = <table> {
 lastArchiveClear = 1702149718
 minimap = <table> {
 lastUpgrade = 1702149721
 dbVersion = 70
 editor_font_size = 12
 registered = <table> {
 login_squelch_time = 10
 editor_theme = "Monokai"
Private = <table> {
 HandleGlowAction = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:3520
 frame_strata_types = <table> {
 DisplayToString = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Transmission.lua:351
 combat_event_type = <table> {
 regions = <table> {
 frameLevels = <table> {
 CheckItemSlotCooldowns = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:2911
 InitializeEncounterAndZoneLists = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Types_Vanilla.lua:9
 IsEnvironmentInitialized = <function> defined @WeakAuras/AuraEnvironment.lua:185
 duration_types = <table> {
 CleanArchive = <function> defined @WeakAuras/History.lua:22
 RunConditions = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Conditions.lua:775
 tooltip_count = <table> {
 SmoothStatusBarMixin = <table> {
 pet_spec_types = <table> {
 regionOptions = <table> {
 get_zoneId_list = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Types_Vanilla.lua:129
 checkForSingleLoadCondition = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Prototypes.lua:1148
 author_option_classes = <table> {
 grid_types = <table> {
 non_transmissable_fields = <table> {
 absorb_modes = <table> {
 combatlog_spell_school_types_for_ui = <table> {
 miss_types = <table> {
 CancelDelayedTrigger = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:904
 centered_types_h = <table> {
 ensurePRDFrame = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:5171
 talent_types = <table> {
 LoadFunction = <function> defined @WeakAuras/AuraEnvironment.lua:637
 reset_swing_spells = <table> {
 spec_types_all = <table> {
 player_target_events = <table> {
 FinishLoadUnload = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1979
 subRegionTypes = <table> {
 UnregisterAllEveryFrameUpdate = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:1797
 array_entry_name_types = <table> {
 combatlog_spell_school_types = <table> {
 StringToTable = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Transmission.lua:295
 RegisterLoadEvents = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1825
 GetReputationsSorted = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Types.lua:1499
 blend_types = <table> {
 text_automatic_width = <table> {
 EnforceSubregionExists = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:969
 CheckSpellCooldown = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:2788
 custom_trigger_types = <table> {
 group_types = <table> {
 subRegionOptions = <table> {
 text_rotate_types = <table> {
 spec_types = <table> {
 anim_ease_types = <table> {
 group_member_types = <table> {
 multiUnitUnits = <table> {
 anim_color_types = <table> {
 loaded = <table> {
 Convert = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:2195
 sound_channel_types = <table> {
 CheckCooldownReady = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:2968
 event_prototypes = <table> {
 CanHaveDuration = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:3668
 NeedToRepairDatabase = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:2272
 AtlasList = <table> {
 RegisterRegionType = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:368
 spark_rotation_types = <table> {
 GetReputationsHeaders = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Types.lua:1504
 unit_types_bufftrigger_2 = <table> {
 CheckSpellCooldows = <function> defined @WeakAuras

You might want to try reinstalling OmniCC.


I didn't experience this issue myself, and indeed it look like a bad package/installation, i opened ticket here because patch was just out in NA, and didn't see more of such reports, thank you.