


Bug with glyph of consecration and glyph of divine plea

Random-Name opened this issue ยท 0 comments


The paladin abilities consecration and divine plea, can both be altered via two glyphs - glyph of consecration and glyph of divine plea. When either of these two glyphs are active the relevant cool down for that ability is not shown by omnicc.

Glyph of consecration alters the ability to allow it to be targeted anywhere in 25 yards (like a death knights death and decay). So you click the spell, aim where you want it, then land the spell - and the cool down should then start.

Glyph of divine plea changes the spell from an instant cast spell to a 5 second cast.

I have just removed these two glyphs and checked, and both cool downs are correctly shown, but with the glyphs in - no cool down is shown for either spell.