


Proc Effect Bug in 5.2.3

thomshouse opened this issue ยท 8 comments


With OmniCC updated to 5.2.3, the "proc" effect on my action bar buttons freaks out in size, placement, and opacity, and there's also a strange glowing box that sometimes appears on screen, seemingly anchored to my tooltip. I am using a few other addons:

  • Dominos
  • Masque
  • TipTac

...but OmniCC is the only addon that had updated in the time frame that these glitches started to occur.

I reverted to 5.2.2 and the issues did go away.


Hi again. I know this is a wicked old ticket, but I just wanted to report: I'm still seeing the behavior on 6.2.3 :)


Could you please try to disable Masque and see if the bug persists?


@Jaliborc: Actually, I re-updated to 5.2.3 to test without Masque and now I can't recreate the issue. So perhaps my old download was messed up... strange. I'll keep an eye on it, follow up and test w/o Masque if it does recur. For now, though, I guess file this under "Cannot reproduce".

Edit: Spoke too soon. Action bars are working correctly, but I'm still seeing the tooltip bug. I'll investigate some more.


I'm having this issue too. Not using Masque. I'm using bartender for action bars, Shadowed Unit Frames for player/party/boss/raid frames, and TipTac for tooltips. I'm noticing the proc effect weirdness on all of those spots. thomshouse and I seem to only share TipTac in common, so I wonder if perhaps that's where the issue is coming from.

I've tried to snag a screenshot of the effect, but haven't managed to do so yet, since it only flashes for a moment, and I can't reproduce it at a training dummy.



Ah ha! I was able to reproduce it, and nab a screenshot of it. It's the big glowy box over my target's unit frame. I seem to be able to get it to happen by switching targets. It will occur other times too, but it seemed to happen at least a little bit when I'd just go around clicking on people.


That's exactly what I'm seeing. Mine usually seems to be anchored to the tooltip itself, though, or a location where the tooltip had previously displayed. I'll test some combinations of settings, TipTac disabled, etc.


Fantastic you were able to snap a shot!
It's very weird indeed.


Just updating to report that I'm still experiencing this on 7.0.3. In fact, now the bizarre effect can get 'stuck' on the screen until the icon it's anchored to goes away. I wonder if perhaps it has something to do with #152. If I get a chance this week I'll see if I can narrow down what seems to be interacting with it the most.