


omnibar is not working

jeremy15553 opened this issue · 3 comments


i was doing an arena on my discipline priest i came out it was glitched i turned it off and turned it back on and its not working i have tried to uninstall the addon and reinstall it but its still not working i was wondering what i could do to fix it


since 8.2 Omnibar is broken i GUEES for everyone
Playng 2v2 and 3v3 and both my partners have the zsame issues, its feels like the tracking is totally random (initially i tought it was like a problem of distance, but after some test it feels like its just broken! i mean, i sit druids and even if i'm on top of them when they use thorns or barskin, the addon doesnt track it! And i'm sure tht i enabled those speells :P)


Go to your folder equivalent to this on my computer:
D:\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\AccountName\SavedVariables

Be warned: This will wipe any settings you had in OmniBar, but it will make it appear again

  1. Exit World of Warcraft (Important)
  2. Delete OmniBar.lua in the folder mentioned above

Hope it works! :)
