Open Raid Library

Open Raid Library


Fetching Keystone Data

Moxiesan opened this issue ยท 0 comments


So I have the following code to fetch keystone data from other players within a WeakAura:

a.LOR = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibOpenRaid-1.0")

Then I iterate through the users to display the keystone. What is interesting is that when I call the WipeKeystoneData (so I can get fresh keystone data), it is then not getting any data from the RequestKeystonesDataFromParty. When I remove WipeKeystoneData, the the other command functions properly and fetches the needed data.

I didn't see a discord for help, but was wondering if this was intentionally designed or a bug. If it is intentionally, what would a workaround be to refresh all party members' keystone data + your own keystone data?