Open Raid Library

Open Raid Library


Missing talent rank for talents

izyspania opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Is it possible to add talent rank for talents when using GetUnitInfo?
Some talents are reducing the cooldown of other spells depending of the rank.
One option would be to add an extra arg that return the talent ranks so we dont mess up the old API or it can be changed to something like the conduits arg.

unitInfo = {
.specId = number
.specName = string
.role = string
.renown = number
.covenantId = number
.talents = {talentId, talentId, talentId, ...}
.talentsRank = {talentRank, talentRank, talentRank, ...} -- 1 if only one rank or rank value , in the same order as the talents
.pvpTalents = {talentId, talentId, talentId}
.conduits = {spellId, conduitLevel, spellId, conduitLevel, spellId, conduitLevel, ...}
.class = string class eng name 'ROGUE'
.classId = number
.className = string class localized name
.name = string name without realm
.nameFull = string name with realm 'unitName-ServerName'