range element and disconnected players

nailertn opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Currently if a group member disconnects the range element sets the corresponding unit frame alpha to equal outsideAlpha. After a relog or reload however the same unit frame's opacity remains intact by the range element. (Which in practice usually coincides with insideAlpha.) Would it be possible for consistency's sake to introduce a fallback value for when the onupdate function bails at UnitIsConnected()? Or alternatively make sure the opacity value is the same regardless of when a person logs out?


I merged this, but I'm not sure if the best solution is insideAlpha when they are offline. Seeing as you can't heal them then.

Do want input :)


I use status text and health coloring to identify offline units, so having insideAlpha makes sense to me. I believe Blizzard's CompactUnits do the same thing.

Also, you can't heal in range dead people either =p


I actually thought oUF didn't reset the power bar value when someone was tagged as disconnected, but apparently I do, so it isn't really a concern then.

Thanks :)


This would also help when the Override function is used.

Here is my pull request #158