Power/resource changes in Legion

p3lim opened this issue ยท 7 comments


This is just a compilation of all the information regarding power/resources for classes from the Legion class previews, listing new/changed/removed powers/resources relevant to oUF.


  • Insanity
    • Shadow priests' new resource (replaces mana as primary resource)
    • Works like rage
    • Bar type element
  • Lunar Power
    • Balance druids' new resource (replaces mana as primary resource)
    • Works like rage
    • Replaces Eclipse
    • Bar type element
  • Arcane Charges
    • Arcane mages' "new" resource (class power)
    • It's basically the debuff turned into a proper class power
    • Pill type element
  • Maelstrom
    • Elemental & enhancement shamans' new resource (replaces mana as primary resource)
    • Works like rage
    • Bar type element


  • Runes
    • Only one type now for all death knight specializations
    • Pill + bar type element (same as before)
  • Chi
    • Only for windwalker monks
    • Pill type element
  • Holy Power
    • Only for retribution paladins
    • Pill type element
  • Soul Shards
    • Shared resource for all warlock specializations
    • Pill type element


  • Shadow Orbs
  • Eclipse
  • Holy Power (for protection and holy paladins)
  • Chi (for brewmaster and mistweaver monks)
  • Demonic Fury (although never implemented in oUF)
  • Burning Embers (although never implemented in oUF)


The following classes/specializations does not use mana as their primary resource any more.

  • Shadow priests
  • Balance druids
  • Elemental & enhancement shamans
  • Protection & retribution paladins

With these changes, some resources can finally be merged into single elements (pill and bar).

  • Pill (classicons element)
    • Combo Points (should have been merged into this element already)
    • Chi (already implemented, but will need specialization checks)
    • Soul Shards (already implemented, but will need to remove specialization checks)
    • Shadow Orbs (needs to be removed)
    • Arcane Charges

The eclipsebar element needs to be removed.
The runebar element needs to be changed, and depending on what changes has been made to them, could potentially be merged into the pills (classicons) element.

A note about combo points; they are not on the target-side any more and should merged into the classicons element, and should also be the fallback classicon for all classes (because of vehicles).


As for demon hunters, they will be using Fury or Pain as their primary resource (depending on spec), they don't seem to have any secondary resource.


This is a nice summary @p3lim, thank you!
Combo points were originally part of the classicons element but were removed. See @zorker's comment on a1f98d2


@Rainrider Since @zorker made that comment CP has been moved away from the target, atleast mechanically. In the default UI the CP are still shown on the target however, and the layout should still be free to do so post-merge.


Thanks p3lim. Not sure when the console/addons will be enabled in the beta. Could take some time. Extracting the FrameXML will probably a good source of information early on.


Extracting the FrameXML will probably a good source of information early on.

It's usually the only source of information, and I expect that we'd have to extract it with LuaCASC like last time because the console will probably be disabled for a while.


"Astral Power" was renamed to "Lunar Power".